Recent content by Bob-Carabbio

  1. Bob-Carabbio

    How do you get saved?

    The problem with this is that if you're only repeating words by "rote", you accomplish nothing at all. Saying the prayer IN FAITH as the result of Holy Spirit CONVICTION OF SIN, in the full appreciation of what you're saying, and it's eternal importance makes the difference.
  2. Bob-Carabbio

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    There's ONLY ONE THING ABOUT CALVINISM that I personally adhere to: IN ALL THINGS GOD MOVES FIRST. The rest of it is nothing but "theology". Christianity, as led by the Holy Spirit really has little use for the "ISMS". I'm happy just being a non-systematic eclectic.
  3. Bob-Carabbio

    Should Christians hate Communism?

    The original church of Christ was communistic, with jesus as the leader thereof. To one degree or another we've got to be wary of ANY governmental system devised by humans to control other humans.
  4. Bob-Carabbio

    Election teaches that salvation comes from the Lord.

    Actually The Bible teaches that. Eph 2:8,9 is one place. "Election", like "Regeneration" is just another religious buzz word with hundreds of definitions depending on religious paradigm. The Bible clearly states that if God doesn't DRAW YOU to Christ" - you ain't coming. In my case it was by...
  5. Bob-Carabbio


    As I recall, I received the "Baptism in the Holy Spirit" (to use AG vernacular) in October back in '73. And personally I couldn't care less about "Special Sundays" or "Church traditions" anyway. The Charismatic Outpouring pretty much flushed all that foolishness years ago. Exactly!!! I was...
  6. Bob-Carabbio

    The US Joins WW3

    The SKY IS FALLING!!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE HORRIBLY!!! But let's have dinner first, okay??
  7. Bob-Carabbio

    How do you get saved?

    And if all you do is parrot the words of this "Prayer", then you've done NOTHING of significance whether you get dunked in addition or not. "Belief" (Intellectual assent) doesn't mean SPIT, has no "Substance", and is "evidence" of nothing. (Heb 11:1). If you've actually prayed this IN FAITH as...
  8. Bob-Carabbio

    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    Why?? "Unmerited favor" is all it means. You have willfully SINNED against God, and will continue to do so. Legally, you stand convicted of SIN, and have fallen short of God's glory in every respect. Yet He allows you to survive. this consideration is totally unmerited, in that you deserve...
  9. Bob-Carabbio

    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    Religious word games. "Grace" is nothing more than unmerited favor, and the reason that you weren'tdestroyed by God Immediately the first time you Sinned. "Grace" is the only reason God bothers with you at all.
  10. Bob-Carabbio

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    SO you're totally ignorant of what the bible says obviously.
  11. Bob-Carabbio

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    Wrong again!! There's the "Great Judgement", where the Goats and the sheep are separated. And then there the "judgement seat of Christ, where CHRISTIANS are judged, and rewarded for what they did with what they were given.
  12. Bob-Carabbio

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    You're confusing the FINAL JUDGEMENT with a personal judgement. (1 Cor 11:31)
  13. Bob-Carabbio

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    Nope god's LAW / WILL is eternal. The law has no effect on a Christian, who has already been judged, and put to death by it. (Gal 2:20)
  14. Bob-Carabbio

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    The "LAW" is eternal. It was God's will in 1000 B.C, and God's will hasn't changed. The LAW is just as real and present and in effect in 2024 as it was in 1000 B.C. The Non-Christians will be JUDGED by it at the end of the age. The Born again Christian, however, since we've been crucified...
  15. Bob-Carabbio

    Share with Me the Good News !!

    [ Follow Paul's lead: Jesus Christ and him crucified (1 Cor 2:2) - and let the Holy Spirit convict 'em of SIN.