Recent content by brighthouse98

  1. brighthouse98

    everything is predestined?

    One more scripture where the Lord will never share his glory with anyone! (Isaiah 42:8) and others that state the same.
  2. brighthouse98

    When You Can't Pray or Hear God

    WOW!!!! I can say that backwards Rhomphaeam wow!! LOL Old in body Yes, but God has given me a FRESH YOUNG MIND!! lol (Psalm 40:2-3)
  3. brighthouse98

    everything is predestined?

    Please cv5 show me a scripture which states the second meaning. I am a Word man; we can surmise its meaning all we want to, another words you can make the meaning any way one wishes to, but that does not make it correct. Job was under the Old Covenant we are not. We can honor his Glory yes! But...
  4. brighthouse98

    When You Can't Pray or Hear God

    You know brother Rhomphaeam that every person without Jesus is in a prison cell! Each cell may be different, but the point is that all are in bondage! I am so glad for you brother! I got free out of a mop closet in college at 22 myself. lol It is a long story but perhaps one day when you wish...
  5. brighthouse98

    When You Can't Pray or Hear God

    Very nice Brother Rhomphaeam!! I agree! However, I was vexed!! lol I was, at least I looked it at from a child's eyes as betrayed. Of course that is long past, all I wanted to show you brother is that as you well know each child is as different as the weather. Another fine point you made is that...
  6. brighthouse98

    everything is predestined?

    Brother Old guy, (2 Cor 4:4) There is no glory in bad things happening. Does one praise the Lord when a Tornado causes them to lose everything, they worked so hard for?? Of course not! God's Glory is Eternally around him; he needs not good or bad things to happen to us for his glory to grow...
  7. brighthouse98

    Too smart for God

    Brother Burn1986, Take heart!! Jesus wants smart people to!! People like you help teach or encourage simple minded believers! Take Paul for example, he sure was not a simple person! The Lord does not wish for people to stay simple either! Please read Eph 4:13-18 as well as Col 1:28-29! The Lord...
  8. brighthouse98

    When You Can't Pray or Hear God

    I rejected mine till the day they both died, why would I lie, so why should he?? I was not going to lie to them. My life on the street taught one very valuable lesson your word is your bond! I did not care what they thought of me, as far as I was concerned, they both died to me the day they lied...
  9. brighthouse98

    When You Can't Pray or Hear God

    Interesting take on this brother Rhomphaeam I came from a broken home, and the first thing that leaves you is trusting anyone! With that lack of trust, one asks themselves who can you really believe?? One does not first blame the Lord they blame first their parents, and then the problem is how...
  10. brighthouse98

    A Miracle of Weather!

    It is so wonderful Karlon that things happen around us when we pray that we know the Lord hears us! And better than that!!! HE ANSWERS US!!! I have stepped into Miracle land a few times myself; I do not want to leave there either!! LOL I said after one incident of Miracle land. Lord, please...
  11. brighthouse98

    everything is predestined?

    Brother Wannabe,What a person believes is supposed to happen can of course vary from person to person, the Lord knows what will happen, he does not suppose. lol I don't know brother how things are supposed to happen from day to day myself. I hate surprises myself. What is supposed to happen is...
  12. brighthouse98

    Man or bear?

    Well to be honest it would not matter to me because I would have a rife with me!! LOL It is better to have a gun in the woods and not need it, then to need a gun in the woods and not have one!!
  13. brighthouse98

    can you guys post something funny please?

    One of the funniest 3 Stooges clip is when Cury is holding a sign on the street, saying staving, need work, a man comes up to him and says how long has it been since you have eaten?? Curly replies, sir it has been 3 days since I have had any food! The man replies well don't let it bother you...
  14. brighthouse98

    Why does God Allow suffering. I am a Christian and I read the Bible but sometimes I do not or understand the point. Especially constant suffering..

    Hi sister Penny, I agree it can do that but for some who are weak minded as I was once as a believer it can make you very angry! And go back or as the Word of God says turning back, and we know the result of doing that!! I know!! I almost turned into that pillar of salt once!! Yikes!! But thanks...
  15. brighthouse98

    Want to know what you think!

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts!! I have gone back twice already to get them fixed and still they hurt my gums. The good Lord is making my gums hard as a rock!! I do not think I will be able to eat corn on the cob however lol BUT!!! I can eat about everything now even bread!! By itself yet...