Recent content by Going_Nowhere

  1. Going_Nowhere

    Favorite Bible verse/verses.

    My current favorite:
  2. Going_Nowhere

    Waffles, or Pancakes?

    Homer says it better than I ever could. 😊
  3. Going_Nowhere

    any michael jackson fans?

    Remember how much media attention he got after his death? Crazy.
  4. Going_Nowhere

    any michael jackson fans?

    Didn't the Thriller album make him globally famous though? At some point, he became arguably the most famous person in the world. When did that happen?
  5. Going_Nowhere

    Dad jokes
  6. Going_Nowhere

    Good 90's songs.

    Here's a tune I really like from MGS2.
  7. Going_Nowhere

    Good 90's songs.

  8. Going_Nowhere

    Good 90's songs.

  9. Going_Nowhere

    H-H-How Much C-C-Coffee Have You Had This Morning?

    I love a dose of caffeine, but coffee is not my drink of choice. Soda is. 😋
  10. Going_Nowhere

    Good 90's songs.

  11. Going_Nowhere

    Post funny pictures relating to people/stories in the Bible.

    Adam and Eve when they realized they were naked: