Recent content by SilverFox7

  1. SilverFox7

    God and Time

    Great thoughts, my friend. I stepped out on my back patio after work this morning around 1am, and the sky was unusually clear for where I live (light from our nearby city and pollution tends to muddy our view of the cosmos from my suburb). I just marveled as I always do at God's awesome...
  2. SilverFox7

    God and Time

    This connection between Trumpets and Pentecost is intriguing. Perhaps, it is similar to the strong connection between the Day of Atonement and Passover (Jesus' sacrifice tore the veil to the Holy of Holies and made atonement possible between us and God through His blood). Once Satan is out of...
  3. SilverFox7

    God and Time

    Interesting. I haven't seen that tie to Trumpets before. One key verse used to tie Jesus' return with the Feast of Trumpets is 1 Thessalonians 4:16 New King James Version 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of...
  4. SilverFox7

    God and Time

    That's the only instance I can think of in the Bible where God actually interrupted the pattern of time for Joshua. I have heard of instances where people have been given a glimpse into the past through what I would describe as a fissure in time, and T.S. Eliot, the great Christian poet, plays...
  5. SilverFox7

    God and Time

    I like what you brought up here about the feasts of the Lord (Leviticus 23) being tied into time and God's plan of salvation for mankind ultimately: Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread - Christ our Passover Lamb suffered and died for our sins Pentecost - the coming of the Holy Spirit Feast...
  6. SilverFox7


    God has certainly done His part to keep us fully informed about the abundant life available to us through Jesus Christ and the gospel He proclaimed. We are without excuse, and our experimentations in alternative lifestyles contrary to God's has been a disaster overall. The gospel life is so...
  7. SilverFox7


    Amen - the closer we get to Jesus, the Light, the more our sins are exposed, so He can cleanse us from all sin as you noted from John's verse above. Paul put the light on the Corinthians and the person who was involved in that blatant sexual sin, all too common in Greek and Roman culture back...
  8. SilverFox7


    Paul loved the Corinthians. Love sometimes requires addressing sins that need to be repented of immediately, and Paul made it very clear that they needed to put this man out of the congregation and deliver him over to "...Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in...
  9. SilverFox7


    Paul is a master at simplification and getting to the heart of the matter. At the time of this epistle, the Corinthian congregation was suffering due to sin (leaven), and Paul wanted them to remove the leaven (one member in particular who was engaged in a horrible sexual sin) and get their focus...
  10. SilverFox7


    Hey brother, The gospel is "glad tidings" and "good news" indeed! In The Gospel According to Mark, the scope of the gospel is all encompassing and emphasized in the very first chapter: Mark 1:14 New King James Version Jesus Begins His Galilean Ministry 14 Now after John was put in prison...
  11. SilverFox7

    Who and what are the two beast of Revelation 13 and mark 666?

    Hey brother--I may be sparse in our ChristianChat community the next couple of weeks or so because one of my professor friends asked me to proofread a book he has been working on for years related to T.S. Eliot's famous poem "The Wasteland". One of his focuses ties into one of my favorite...
  12. SilverFox7

    Who and what are the two beast of Revelation 13 and mark 666?

    You are far from a "foolish old man" my friend although I do agree that you have too much time on your hands :LOL:. What's sad about all of this is the Arab people are brothers to Israel and the Jews. They share a common heritage in their father, Abraham. This family feud has been going on...
  13. SilverFox7

    Who and what are the two beast of Revelation 13 and mark 666?

    Amen. "The father of lies" loves to twist the truth. Look at his twisted-technique that he tried on Jesus: Matthew 4:5-7 New King James Version 5 Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself...
  14. SilverFox7

    Who and what are the two beast of Revelation 13 and mark 666?

    You're right, Pilgrim, that technology has helped pave the way for the end times, and I am amazed at how quickly circumstances in our world have changed from where we were just a few short years ago. It reminded me of the verse from Daniel: Daniel 12:4 New King James Version 4 “But you...
  15. SilverFox7

    Who and what are the two beast of Revelation 13 and mark 666?

    I appreciate your openness and honesty, brother: Matthew 24:44 New King James Version 44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.