Recent content by Snackersmom

  1. Snackersmom

    The Tiny, Two-Letter Word That Will Help You Find the Woman of Your Dreams

    Yay I'm on the list, right after shoes and ear hair! :p Lol just messin' with ya ;). I will await your reply. And please understand that I don't mean you any ill-will and I'm actually glad that you're here :). I don't agree with everything you say but I support your right to say it, and I do...
  2. Snackersmom

    The Tiny, Two-Letter Word That Will Help You Find the Woman of Your Dreams

    Thanks Miss Seoul, yes I have been doing some reading in other threads and I agree with your observations :cool:. The thing is, merely ignoring those who disagree with you is one thing, but deflecting by making up some unfounded criticism of your own and trying to make everything the fault of...
  3. Snackersmom

    There's no "The One"

    Oh, I didn't mean to imply that I completely lost all desire for a husband, so maybe God actually answered us similarly 🙂. I just meant that it's no longer something I focus my whole life around, or feel like I "need" in order to be happy. 😊
  4. Snackersmom

    The Tiny, Two-Letter Word That Will Help You Find the Woman of Your Dreams

    Lol well assuming that what the guy said after the stalker bit did not raise any actual "creeper" concerns, that would actually be an ideal opening line in my book. Just goes to show that we are all different 😎 And I also hope that you are not deflecting by answering with your own bit of...
  5. Snackersmom

    The Tiny, Two-Letter Word That Will Help You Find the Woman of Your Dreams

    Hi Steve, I'm trying not to come off as too critical becasue I think you mean well and you do raise some good points. But I had to comment on this part I quoted here. Can you tell us where this rule is found in the Bible? Don't get me wrong, I do agreee that it's a generally wise guideline for...
  6. Snackersmom

    Ha, you could start a thread of your matchups and start some mess, lol. Guess that could be a...

    Ha, you could start a thread of your matchups and start some mess, lol. Guess that could be a REAL mess though, huh? Have a great day! :D
  7. Snackersmom

    Hi Tabin, I happened to check out your profile just now and saw that your birthday is tomorrow...

    Hi Tabin, I happened to check out your profile just now and saw that your birthday is tomorrow, so I thought I would thank you for your welcoming and uplifting posts and wish you a happy early birthday! :D
  8. Snackersmom

    There's no "The One"

    You're welcome, thanks for listening! 😊 I don't feel like I have anything else to add right now, and spring harvest is a little crazy here on the farm. But I'm sure I'll still be poking around the forums every now and then with my 2 cents worth. I hope you enjoy your time here on CC, and God...
  9. Snackersmom

    How Can One Pick Up on Red Flag Levels of Addiction/Mental Illness, Especially Online?

    Miss Jenny, I dont know you well and I do not know the extent of your issues and/or trauma, so maybe I'm out of line here.... but you don't strike me as someone who should stay away from men in order to protect them. Just the fact that you are open, honest, and aware of your issues says a lot...
  10. Snackersmom

    How To keep Her From Dropping the "F-Bomb" on You

    I certainly do not speak for all women, but if I do not consider a man friend material I CAN NOT consider him husband material. 🤔 (Admittedly this could be why I'm still single 😅)
  11. Snackersmom

    How To keep Her From Dropping the "F-Bomb" on You

    My thoughts exactly. I'd probably phrase it like "I need to get to know you better first", but a guy moving that fast would make me question if we were right for each other. If I jumped into serious relationships that quickly or easily I probably wouldn't still be single 🙄. I'd much rather...
  12. Snackersmom

    What Should Happen On a First Date?

    Carrie, is it possible we are long-lost cousins or something? :LOL: When I read the OP my first thought was "If a man can talk to me for an hour over donuts and coffee and still think my first choice of movie would be some vapid Chick flick, he's probably not the right man for me". And I saw on...
  13. Snackersmom

    There's no "The One"

    You're welcome, I'm glad you were able to get something out of the story :). I know there's plenty who won't agree or connect with it, but that's ok. It's probably even a good thing, because we are not all called to the same things in life. But I always find testimonies interesting. It's neat...
  14. Snackersmom

    When You Can't Pray or Hear God

    Hi Miss Rose, I'm praying for your family and I debated if I should post or not but I think there's something worth saying, so here goes: Your nephew is accustomed to feeling responsible for other people's emotions, especially his mothers. She used him as a crutch to lean on and a shoulder to...