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  1. J


    - In this thread, I want to compare the different visions in the Bible, the different characters, the different elements, all the details, how it happens, everything!
  2. J

    Acts one

    Acts one - Macedonia - Greece - Philippi - Troas - Paul must leave the next day so he prolonges his speech until midnight. - A young man sinks into a deep sleep while paul keeps talking and he falls down from the third storyand is picked up dead. Paul goes down and throws himself on him and...
  3. J

    Genesis one

    Genesis 1 Day one : - Light - A division between light and darkness Day two : - A division between the waters (beneath the expanse) and the waters (above the expanse) Day three : - A division between the seas and the dry land earth - Grass and seed-bearing plants and trees yielding fruit...
  4. J

    John 1

    John is sent as a man of God announcing the coming of Jesus who is going to be rejected by the Jews but he is going to be accepted by many people. Priests were sent to John to ask him if he was the Christ but he clearly tells them he is not but he is preparing the way for him. The next day Jesus...
  5. J

    Luke 1

    Luke says that he has written an account about Jesus in logical order and with accuracy. So he speaks about Elizabeth, Zechariah’s wife, a priest, both faithful people, but they had no child. One day, when Zechariah was serving in the temple, God’s angel appears to him and tells him they are...
  6. J

    Mark 1

    With mark, the approach is different as it starts before the birth of Jesus with john the Baptizer who is preparing the road for Jesus baptizing the people in symbol of repentance in all Judea. And he baptizes Jesus in the Jordan and after that something like a dove appears above Jesus and the...
  7. J

    Matthew 1

    Having in mind faithful men like Job, Daniel and Samuel and on the other side the troublesome kings of Israel and Judah, we can now explore the four Gospels to see what the differences and similarities between the people of the old and New Testaments. So first we get the genealogy of Jesus: we...
  8. J

    Exodus 1

    Exodus 1 We read about faithful men such as Job, Daniel and Samuel and many unfaithful kings from Israel and Judah. Now it’s time to think about Moses and the fact that it is difficult to have important responsibilities and stay faithful to God.
  9. J


    In this chapter Daniel tells us about a vision : four huge beasts come out of the sea. - a lion with eagle’s wings, they are plucked and it starts to stand on two feet like a man and it receives a man’s heart. - a bear with three ribs in the mouth and it must eat flesh. - a leopard with four...
  10. J


    Once again Daniel becomes a top official and not only that but Darius decides to put him at the head of the other top officials. So the other officials are jealous so they try to find a way to get rid of him. But they don’t find anything in relation with negligence or corruption. So they decide...
  11. J


    Here we are told about the next king of Babylonia. There is a big feast and everybody drinks in the vessels taken from the God’s temple in Jerusalem. Suddenly, a man’s hand appears and writes on the wall. Once again, Daniel is called to interpret the three words. So he tells the king that he has...
  12. J

    Job 11-14

    Empty talk, empty-headed man, you are guilty : same chorus ! So you are the people who know but I am not inferior to you. Job is calling God for an answer. Bad people are in peace ! But god is the creator of everything ! He has wisdom, mightiness, counsel and understanding, human beings are...
  13. J

    Daniel 4

    So once again the king of Babylon has a dream and no one can give the interpretation except Daniel ! The king of Babylon is going to lose his power and become like a beast eating grass having lost his mind. And Daniel warns him but he doesn’t care and one year after that it happens. Usual story...
  14. J

    I Samuel 4

    There is a battle between Israel and the Philistines who killed 4000 men. The Jews don’t understand why God let them be defeated. So the next day they decide to take with them the Ark of God’s covenant. The two sons of Eli are present. Once again the Jews are defeated: this time the Philistines...
  15. J

    Job Chapter 10

    Job speaks out of his distress : he thinks that everything that happens to him comes from God. He doesn’t know what’s on ! He still is the same, he hasn’t changed ! He is asking God why !
  16. J

    I Samuel 3

    At this time God didn’t communicate with people anymore especially through visions (it’s quite rare). At night, while asleep, Samuel hears someone calling him. So he goes to Eli, thinking that it is he who calls him. It happens three times but Samuel hasn’t been in touch with God till now. Eli...
  17. J

    Daniel Chapter 3

    Once again, a big episode : the king of Babylon builds a huge statue and asks everybody to worship it if they don’t want to be burn alive in a furnace. In this chapter, we are told about Daniel’s three companions who are brought in front of the king of Babylon : once again he asks them to...
  18. J

    I Samuel Chapter 2

    Hannah is thankful to God for the son she has received. Then we are told about Eli the priest and his two sons. But they are bad men living in the House of God. They don’t care about the offerings to God, they take what they want, they do what they want in front of the Jews who come to the...
  19. J

    Daniel Chapter two

    Nebuchadnezzar has a dream and he wants the priests and the magicians and all those who have such a capacity to tell about his dream and the interpretation. Otherwide all of them will die. It is as simple as that ! They can’t trick the king ! So they answer the king saying that no one has such a...
  20. J

    Job Chapter nine

    According to Job, man is nothing compared to God ! God is powerful ! He is the creator of everything ! There is no one like God ! May I say that Job is angry against God, I don’t know, he tries to do his best to be God’s friend, he was blessed and now the situation has changed to the opposite...