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  1. Cameron143

    Humble Me

    Humble me, humble me, So I'll be weak, and You'll be strong. Humble me, humble me, So I'll do right where I've done wrong. Humble me, humble me, This is what my heart does long. Humble me, humble me, So I'll be weak, and You'll be strong. Humble me, humble me, So I'll be less, and You'll...
  2. Cameron143

    Walking Trees

    I went out one day, Many people to see. And I saw men walking, As if they were trees. When I arrived home I was asked where I'd been. I said I have been walking And talking with men. Next I was asked What did I say. I said Jesus lives And will return one day. Then I was asked How did...
  3. Cameron143

    Park Bench or Steeple?

    From the lowly park bench One can view a great steeple. It rises and adorns, But can't hold any people. Around the lowly park bench There is room for all. Yet nothing rises or decorates, Like the tall, slender steeple. Is your life like a park bench, Inviting to people? Or is it only...
  4. Cameron143

    On My Knees

    I was living my life With all that it brings; No cares or concerns About heavenly things. Suddenly my life No longer had ease. You saved my life when You put me on my knees. Troubles and trials Started coming my way. I tried to be faithful, But still went astray. I returned to well-...
  5. Cameron143

    As I Count All My Blessings

    Trials and troubles are constant in my life. As God portioned distresses, He doubled my strife. But as I consider all that God has brought me through, And I count my blessings, I count you, too. One way that God loves me is in His still quiet voice. As He ministers to me my heart can but...
  6. Cameron143

    Now What Do You See?

    An elderly man sits on a park bench, And feeds the birds as he bends. Is he filled with joy as he scatters the seed? Or is this the extent of his friends? A young woman hurriedly pushes on by, Oblivious and inconsiderate of another. Is she uncaring, cold, and indifferent? Or rushing to see her...
  7. Cameron143 man cometh to the Father, but by Me.

    Most Christians can quote this verse, but when did it begin to be true? Has this always been the case, or did it become true at some point in history?
  8. Cameron143

    New Teaching Or Merely Clarification?

    In Matthew 5:21-48 Jesus on five occasions says that His hearers have heard the law spoken and then goes on to give explanation of its meaning. In doing so is He expanding the meaning of the law or merely giving the understanding that was engendered in the law all along?
  9. Cameron143

    What If You, And What If I...

    What if you, and what if I Were ourselves to daily die? What if we surrender all And listen for the Master's call? What if you, and what if I Deny our flesh and mortify? What if we seek not our own That the Lord be made known? What if you, and what if I Were to trust in His supply? What...
  10. Cameron143

    What Is The Reason You Give When Asked About The Hope That Is In You?

    1 Peter 3:15 tells us to always be ready to give an answer to those who ask us concerning the hope that lies within us. How would or do you answer?
  11. Cameron143

    In Christ

    What does it mean to be in Christ?
  12. Cameron143

    Remember The Lord

    Sometimes I'm praying. I'm down on my knees. My heart filled with sorrow, And comfort just flees. Sometimes I'm bewildered, Seeking the calm. Then I remember His feet, And I remember His palms. I Remember the Lord, Who's so good to me. He holds me so tight, And so tenderly. He comforts...
  13. Cameron143

    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    Let's suppose I am going on a trip. I make all the arrangements, set a date, and wait. But I also would like it to be a family excursion. I desire their company. Is it considered a desire if I only have a strong feeling of wanting? Do I need to do anything to make my desire a desire? If I...
  14. Cameron143

    Psalm 145:1

    I will extol thee, my God, O king; I will bless thy name for ever and ever. If you had to pick only one thing to praise God for, what would you choose and why? Feel free to include a verse or two.
  15. Cameron143

    What Does It Teach Us?

    Romans 1:20 tells us that the invisible things of God can be understood by the things that are seen. In John 3 Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born again. Does physical birth teach anything concerning spiritual birth? If so, what?
  16. Cameron143

    More Than Conquerors

    Romans 8:37...Nay, in all things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. I've always thought this to be an odd verse. Why are we said to be more than conquerors and not merely conquerors?
  17. Cameron143

    3 Statements...Just True or False

    1. When Adam sinned, his mind, heart, and will were corrupted. 2. Jesus has met every requirement of God for those who are saved. 3. All that are given to Jesus by the Father will come to Him and receive eternal life. I know how tempting it is to add explanations. Please refrain. I...
  18. Cameron143

    Do You Know God?

    A pioneering man moved west, bought some farm land, and worked to build a prosperous homestead. Having done so, he wants a family to share his success with. But there are few women available so he sends back east for a bride. Before coming, the soon to be bride sends a letter in advance to...
  19. Cameron143

    Year End Awards

    Has there ever been some type of awards given on the site? It might be interesting to give some type of mention to posts in each category that elicited the most responses. Or best art work. Or even who garnered the most of each type of responses. Or a multitude of other categories. I know if...