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  1. T

    Ok, I'm a Karen, but...

    So I'm admitting that I am, somewhat, of a Karen. I guess it depends on what your definition of "Karen" is. Here's one soft example of what I mean. My sister and her boys were visiting so we took everyone out to a nice restaurant by the water. Granted it was busy so we knew we were going to have...
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    Share with Me the Good News !!

    This is not a Calvinist post, it isn't pre-trib, after trib, no trib post. This isn't a my denomination, your denomination, that denomination post. This is a post about the Gospel, the Hope, the Good News that the lost need to hear. Now!! So how do we go about fulfilling the great commission...
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    The Myth of Original Sin?

    Romans 5:12-19 12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world (Adam) , and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned... Did we inherit Adams sin nature AND his sin? Please use Scripture to explain. Let the discussion begin!
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    Woman Attacked for Standing with Israel Flag

    Antisemitism, though never dead, is springing up in a new way around the world. Italy apparently sides with terrorists.
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    Say Her Name ?

    Lakin Riley, the beautiful 22 yr old woman who was murdered in cold blood by an illegal has been utterly ignored by Joe Biden. Even with Rep. Taylor Green calling him out and giving him a button with her name on it, he still botched her name. Now is he apologizing for botching her name?? No...
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    Give Me Sage Advice

    I often see little quips I wish I had thought of. Those things that make you stop and think. Saw this today and thought it could make a good thread. Share anything along the lines of things you might share on a Facebook or other social media feed that is poignant, uplifting, thought provoking...
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    Superbowl Jesus

    Anyone have an opinion on these ads? Seems like they are doing more harm than good so far as I can see. And a waste of money.
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    Israel Declares War

    If there ever was a time for Christians to be praying, it's now!! Israel has declared war. Biden has at least said he stands with Israel.
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    The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask

    As usually happens I was looking up something on the internet and came across something that took my attention. The title of the book, the title to this thread, caught my interest. As Christians sometimes we have pat answers, or sometimes we don't have an answer when someone asks a question. I...
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    9/11 We Remember, Now Where is the President We will never forget. Meanwhile the president is over 4000 miles away in Alaska. Just unreal.
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    Has the Church Helped in Teaching Sexual Purity?

    Sorry for the long title. I don't mean this to get too personal or too graphic. It's just something that has been on my heart and mind lately. It would help if you didn't mind saying what age group you are and if you have been married before. Share anything you like but like I said this is more...
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    When You Can't Pray or Hear God

    I don't know about sharing such a personal issue here in the forum. Some of our family don't even know this has happened. But I feel so torn up about it that I'm not sleeping. I cry when I think about it and I can't seem to hear God as much as I pray for wisdom. Right now I don't see a way out...
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    Seed of the Woman

    “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” So I'm not trying to start a new doctrine here, I understand this is talking about Christ. But my sister and I were just talking about how satan has...
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    Stand Up to Jewish Hate a Myth?

    Have you seen the commercials saying Stand Up to Jewish Hate?? It's new catchy tagline. But no one seems to be calling out American companies that support the BDS movement. Unilever, Ben and Jerry's, Knors who make pasta sides, all a part of the BDS movement. Yet I have not seen these companies...
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    Holocaust Remembrance Day/ Yom HaShoah

    Let us not only remember the innocent 6 million Jews that lost their lives in the Holocaust. But let us make sure the church is not a part of todays Antisemitism. We must let the younger generation know about the Holocaust, why it happened and make sure they know God still loves the Jewish people.
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    Trump Indicted!!!

    What now America? What a dark, dark day. I pray the reaction to this isn't what I think it will be.
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    Jesus Revolution ?

    Hubby and I went with my parents last night to see the movie. I would say the whole crowd was Christians. Either way, we watched the movie and it moved me in a way I didn't expect it to. I don't know if any of you have seen it, I really went because my mother wanted to see it. But it's about...
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    Concerned About my Nephews Faith

    My young nephew has just turned 18 this past Christmas. He lives a few hours from me so I haven't been able to spend as much time as I would like with him, but I make the most of the time when he and his brother do come. My husband and I have no children. So I feel I don't have a lot of standing...
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    Continued Revival at Asbury College Going on 132 hours of continued services. Some friends I know have been there and said there is a...
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    Whom Did Christ Die For?

    So this has become the question in another thread. Did Christ die for only the elect or die He die for all. Here are the two views; 1. Limited atonement, sometimes called particular redemption, is based on the doctrine of election or predestination. Since only the elect of God will be saved...