Search results

  1. Lamar

    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    Why are there no verses that actually state that we are saved by faith alone? There are a number of churches that hold to this understanding but why no examples of such a simple notion?
  2. Lamar

    Does getting the "Trib" correct help?

    Are there any practical advantages to correctly understanding the "pre- mid- post" theories on the rapture? I have never understood the need to expend such energy on something that we cannot control?
  3. Lamar

    Who are the monetarily rich among us?

    The bible speaks much about those who are monetarily rich, mostly bad. Who today in the United States could be equated to those spoked of in the Bible? Do you consider yourself to be monetarily rich as defined by bible standards?
  4. Lamar

    Who are the poor among us?

    Are those labeled poor by modern American standards the same as the poor spoken of in the Bible?
  5. Lamar

    Enjoying life vs. decadence - where is the line?

    How can a Christian know when they are crossing the line from simply delighting in life and overindulging?
  6. Lamar

    Are gifts evidence of salvation?

    Is possession of physical supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit evidence of a saved status? Example: Does the ability to speak or translate tongues "prove" you are in a saved state?
  7. Lamar

    Saved by faith alone?

    Does the phrase, "saved by faith" equivalent to the term, "saved by faith alone"?
  8. Lamar

    Step-parenting and the Bible.

    Does anyone have some "biblical" advice on the subject of being a step-parent? Please no worldly wisdom, just a scripture based approach to this issue.