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  1. Blade

    He that believes and is not water baptised is saved

    Acts 22 16 This was a call to express faith. His sins would be washed away however, through calling on the Lords name not by water of baptism. The only other place where this word "wash" is used is in 1st Cor 6:11 and there its the holy Spirit that does the washing. Peter made it clear that...
  2. Blade


    "Godswilling said: What is a Speaking Tongues? Is it necessary to speak in tongues in our times?" Not to keep chiming in here lol. Not sure what the problem here is. Its all in His word. I find it very hard to answer this. No one around me was doing it just those in the bible study yet I know...
  3. Blade

    Dreams and visions

    \ Hi :) Its Col 2:18 and beguile "let no one keep defrauding you of your prize". This was Paul encouraging them not to allow anyone to divert them with false teaching. As one said perhaps this can best be answered by looking at the approach some people take toward the lord. They feel they are...
  4. Blade

    Dreams and visions

    Yeah I have allot over the years. 1st one I was very young saw my self in the dream with a huge smile and me in the dream looked up to my right so I looked up and ooh so many stars and it a very deep blue. Then angels flying across from right to left singing. I'm 63 and I have never heard music...
  5. Blade

    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    Well he makes sure you see his stuff.. Then he's been wrong and there is no weight to his name.. its 1988 all over again. Then you have to toss out all those others. Hmm.. well just gonna say its odd how some preachers really get attacked yet others get a free pass. For me there is no man...
  6. Blade

    King of Victory

  7. Blade

    Too smart for God

    I don't see that verse like that. If your a parent you know that child just believes. My son in preschool would follow Adena around everywhere and she would never have anything to with him. So I said were gonna pray. I said see when it comes to kids.. God can one better and they...
  8. Blade

    If Jesus Joined This Forum . . .

    Well "if" is doubting and to just run with speculation as a believer for me is unwise. We think about Christ joining here and joke about it and make sure to puff our self up aka pride and other things. See the rub is this He has always listened to every single word we said just as the enemy...
  9. Blade

    How do you get saved?

    You know what I saw here Burn1986.. I thought .. yeah so simple we get caught up and entangled with silly doctrines and what not that do not touch salvation. I always say.. if you get lost.. just go back the beginning. This is it with John 3:16-17 We forget we cannot do not save anyone. Our...
  10. Blade

    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    "by grace you have been saved". Grace unmerited favor form GOD the Great I Am. By grace through faith. Can you not see it? :)
  11. Blade

    The Problem With Grace

    Hi.. your looking at this through the natural. We here tend to measure from a "white lie" to sins you wrote about. Yet with GOD someone that murders vs someone that just lies they still will not get into heaven. Those sins you talked about are the reason He came. He came to save them. There is...
  12. Blade

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    So they lost their donkey's so two go looking for them and man they go everywhere and then say.. we best be getting home or pa is going to worry about us. The friend says.. were close to this preacher he might be able to help. So they go ask about this preacher they said oh hes up on the hill...
  13. Blade

    Moving past Salvation

    I understand what your trying to say but that is not what Paul was saying " For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans? For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere human beings? "...
  14. Blade

    3 Reasons Jesus Did Not Go To Hell

    Christ went to the "spirits in prison" and "preached" unto them. Some believe this was between His death and HIs resurrection. Some believe the "spirits in prison" were fallen angels mentioned in 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6. I don't believe this because redemption is only for man and it does not say...
  15. Blade

    Do we know how Yeshua lived his life?

    A verse that comes to mind "So from now on we regard no one from a human point of view [according to worldly standards and values]. Though we have known Christ from a human point of view, now we no longer know Him in this way. "
  16. Blade

    The question of forgiveness

    Gonna share a story that happen to me maybe 10y ago you don't have to believe it. Some one a believer one say was saying the most hurtful things you could say to someone you love. Right in the middle of it this love come over me. I've only felt this twice in 55y in the lord. Lol I remember...
  17. Blade

    Election teaches that salvation comes from the Lord.

    For me in searching studying again as I always do with a post. Did you know there is not just one view when it comes to Eph 1 3-13 predestined, election. I don't know why some only post their personal view. So if were just sticking to yours well I leave you in peace.
  18. Blade

    Is this the "man" who mad the earth to tremblre!

    Hi "I’ve never understood how someone could claim this is talking about satan when the scripture clearly says – “Is this the man” - who caused the earth to tremble!" Daniel 10 "Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to...
  19. Blade


    I love the song "if you wanna be great in Gods kingdom learn to be the servant of all"