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  1. E

    Praise the Lord 🤗💗

    Me too! It's my sincerest hope you will be built up & not let down.(y)
  2. E

    Hello everyone! :)

    Wecome to CC, Rachael. I hope you find what you need/looking for on this site.
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    How many crops? Matt 13:8

    Matt 13 is the Parable of the Sower Parable - a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson Since parables are illustrating truth, no exact doctrine can come from them. 30,60, & 100 merely shows the magnitude of how great God can multiply the seed of the Gospel we sow, making...
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    Religious Tithing

    I agree with Dino that "tithing" is one of those things that the church has taken out of context. The teaching of it is nowhere in the NT. That said, My daughter & her husband 'tithe' by setting aside 10% to give to those in need, in or out of the church. They are blessed, not because not...
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    Who Leads

    I get it. The govts are bad, industry is monopolizing & manipulative, & many in the church are following men. We can see the antichrist spirit in the world, twisting laws & systems to do its bidding. Now churches are being pulled into it. But that is no reason to lose hope. A city on a hill...
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    On This Day in Church History

    This thread has me curious, not for the subject matter, but the 'name' of its author. Why is your name CheckeredHeart? To me, it doesn't 'seem' to be a quality christian name. Did you name yourself that on purpose?
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    Dreams and visions

    In my youth, I had a vision of myself preaching behind a pulpit. Now that I'm older, I have dreams. That proves the truth I didn't want to accept - I'm old! :eek:
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    We don't celebrate "that day" as if it can only happen on "that day". It really doesn't matter if the day is right if the teaching is right. The Holy Spirit could baptize you on April Fool's day if you're seeking the Lord on that day. The point is "do you want all God has for you?" Are you...
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    Dogs Returning To Their Vomit

    I am done here. I've done all I can do. If anyone needs prayer or anything, send me a message. I'll be happy to help.:)
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    Dogs Returning To Their Vomit

    No, WE DO.
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    Dogs Returning To Their Vomit

    No, but the point is they are being warned it CAN happen. This is why we have all these warnings... because it can happen. And if they have done it, the last state will be worse than the first. How else can anybody get into a state worse than the lost state before christ?
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    Dogs Returning To Their Vomit

    20For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and are overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. 21For it would be better for them not to have known the way of...
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    Dogs Returning To Their Vomit

    True, but they didn't believe that in the beginning, for they were actually saved.
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    Dogs Returning To Their Vomit

    Happens all the time. Some people think they're close to God, yet follow false doctrine that's Christianese. They were fooled along the way. Remember Paul speaking to the Galatians about "who has bewitched you?"
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    Dogs Returning To Their Vomit

    Falling away specifically means there WAS a previous relationship. Sinners CANNOT fall away because they were already far from God.
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    Dogs Returning To Their Vomit

    EVERY epistle is a book for the church to read & live by, but never for the world. The world cannot discern it. When they speak about leaving God, they speak to those only who had a real relationship with Him. They choose to rebel from Him. Sinners cannot rebel from God because that would mean...
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    Dogs Returning To Their Vomit

    Anyone who walks away from God IS a fool.
  18. E

    Dogs Returning To Their Vomit

    I can choose to never walk with God again. Does that mean I never ever had a relationship with Him at all? People break off relationships with their spouses all the time. They grow apart, no longer compatible. One can still be loving while the other doesn't feel anything. Divorce happens over...
  19. E

    Dogs Returning To Their Vomit

    You don't. I can dislike anyone whenever I want. I can turn away from someone I was personally close to who I think has betrayed me. Broken relationships happen all the time, even when it's not their fault.