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  1. Zandar

    Occult stuff.

    True. Very true.
  2. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    She also says Jesus was like you and I, He didn't have this life figured out. RRReeEaaAALLLYYYY?!!!!! What is she smoking?
  3. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    The woman in the video says she wants to break down the pedestal we have put Jesus on and wants to stop using the word kingdom in the bible because king is masculine. This is beyond anything I thought would happen to the United Methodist. They have absolutely lost their minds.
  4. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

  5. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    Its even worse than I thought.
  6. Zandar

    What could the elite be meaning by blinding the right eye?

    Its symbolism for someone that hasn't been a good shepherd so they were punished for it. Shows up in a lot of movies.
  7. Zandar


    Ive used my wifes old walmart bike like a wheelbarrel by sitting stuff on the seat and just pushing it
  8. Zandar


  9. Zandar

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

    I just noticed that this character in the xfiles is named Homer and he works at a nuclear power plant.
  10. Zandar

    Got robbed, robber lives round the corner...

    @Flufftronicus are things better for your family, Friend?
  11. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    They probably are just repeating what some source told them and don't remember themselves.
  12. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with Mankind as with womankind. It is abomination.
  13. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    This is INSANE!
  14. Zandar

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Welp, I got banned from a reddit board because I said that gays were bullies because thats the way they were acting and they sent me a message that said they were going to bully me by banning me (in not very nice language) so I guess I proved my point.
  15. Zandar

    ~Chuckle for the Day~