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  1. Angela53510

    Secular Music

    Insane! Where did you find this in 1 Cor. 10?? It's not even close. It's pure eiesgesis. So bad and out of context. It's a lie. First. Paul is specifically talking about meat sacrificed to idols. Jews would not eat meat sacrificed to idols. But after the final sacrifice for sin by Jesus on the...
  2. Angela53510

    Pastoral requirements

    The church I was attending was very regulated by the denomination we belong to, with regards to picking a new pastor. They could only deal with one candidate at a time. So from receiving the resume till the final congregational vote, only one candidate. It was supposed to make it fair. The...
  3. Angela53510

    I have a question

    If this abuse is happening to you, you have implied that you are an adult with a job, then you need to break off with your parents. You still need to honour your parents, such as respecting them and helping them when they get sick, or need rides to the doctor's, or visitation if they are in the...
  4. Angela53510

    The april 8th prophetic eclipse

    The moon "covers up" the sun! That's literally what an eclipse is. Anyone who thinks this eclipse has anything to do with eschatology, is being sucked in by a combo of astrology, numerology and the Kabbalah. it is a simple, normal, recurring astronomical phenomena that happens at various...
  5. Angela53510

    KJV Authoritive Christian Bible

    Have you ever studied Biblical Hebrew? I know you have not. It is NEVER possible to exactly translate any language directly into another language, and Hebrew is no exception. I had to compare the KJV to the original Hebrew, and find the places where the translation was not the same. There were...
  6. Angela53510

    Is Speaking in Tongues still available today?

    I don't believe there are many verses that say that speaking in tongues will disappear. Why? Because the people saw it happening, they were living it. They saw tongues save many people, which was its purpose. But, when the last book of the Bible, Revelation, was written in either 70 or 90 AD...
  7. Angela53510

    If a biblical number I have been seeing, basically means the same thing as my previous prophecy, did God confirm my previous prophecy?

    Just to interject some technical terms into this discussion as to this OP. Quite a few people have referenced this, as it seems very obvious to me and others., without actually defining the words. First, let me explain I do know that certain numbers in the Bible have special meaning. Such as 7...
  8. Angela53510

    God, math and science

    The reasons so many scientists both in the historical past and today were/are Christians is that they believed in an organized and ultimately knowable universe, because they know from the Bible that God created an ordered word, and answers were ultimately discoverable within that order. They...
  9. Angela53510

    Ukraine the bad guy?

    To which I will counter with Biden & Trudeau. Worst 2 leaders in the histories of our 2 countries. Trudeau has damaged our economy with his incompetence, destroyed the image of our country internally, which has been a country that helps negotiate peacemaking in wars around the planet, into a...
  10. Angela53510

    Thanks for your "winner"on my comment about Ukrainian. So many believe Russian propaganda lies...

    Thanks for your "winner"on my comment about Ukrainian. So many believe Russian propaganda lies. I have nothing against the people. It's been bad for centuries. I've got a lot of second & third cousins there, probably from when they or their parents/grandparents were shipped to Siberia for no...
  11. Angela53510

    Ukraine the bad guy?

    This is NOT a source! This is a Twitter account posting a lie! Nothing to back it up! Not a News article, credible journal or even stolen papers. Half of the stuff on Twitter is lies! And the Ukraine is going to continue defending itself against the evil Putin and his disgusting attempt to...
  12. Angela53510

    Confusion is not of God.

    In fact, nice job of highlighting all those extra words which do not appear in the earliest and best manuscripts. The KJV has so much conflated and added text, and you just showed me what a very poor text it is to study. I could show you a few more, like the Longer ending of Mark, parts of John...
  13. Angela53510

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    Wrong again!! Prostitution has existed since ancient times. There was even cult prostitution to the various gods in the ÂNE. "Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment.[1][2] The definition of "sexual activity" varies, and is often defined...
  14. Angela53510

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    Are you really that clueless? I was going to ask your source, then you put ChatGPT! Hilarious!! You think it is a data base? It is an AI. Artificial intelligence. It makes up whatever you want it to say. In my Biblical Languages group someone told it to write an original Bible story, using only...
  15. Angela53510

    Should the Name of the Lord Jehovah be in each of the Psalms?

    The Book of Esther does not mention God at all. That doesn't mean we should add a bunch of words to make it say God, or any other name. Books of the Bible were written certain ways to communicate from God to us. God was totally in control of that process. If God wanted to add words or names, it...
  16. Angela53510

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    "When the Lord began to speak through Hosea, the Lord said to him, “Go, marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her, for like an adulterous wife this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the Lord.” 3 So he married Gomer daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son." Hosea...
  17. Angela53510

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    Hosea DID marry a prostitution! Even in the KJV. It's a metaphor for the adulterous Israel. The problem is, you can't really read 16th century English, so you are clueless about what it says. Not sure if it was you or someone else, and I have said this before - I don't understand Jacobean...
  18. Angela53510

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    Where to start?? Where to start?? First, I never went to Bible College. I went to seminary for 7 years where I got straight As and top student in Greek. I also went to a theological institute and studied theology for a few years till my RA hit my hand, and I couldn't type. Then Long COVID...
  19. Angela53510

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    Give me a break! Quoting Strong's? And the very weak Thayer's? An English to English Concordance, with a short gloss in the back? Have you ever looked at BDAG? That's the top Greek Lexicon. Or BDB? That's the top Hebrew Lexicon. BDAG has pages and pages for one word. Plus where the different...
  20. Angela53510

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    Here is the link to 50 false friends: