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    Ali replied to the thread I also need some advice..
    Also let me add that I am as doting and caring as the next mom who waited five years for her first and only child. Because I have more...
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    Ali replied to the thread I also need some advice..
    I truly believe it's a bit of both the undermining as well as the guilty parenting. He is a very "old school" man when it comes to who...
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    Ali replied to the thread I also need some advice..
    Indeed he quasi owns it. He is of the opinion that it's something he has a right to do and I should just look the other way. A bit of...
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    I'm not a professional, so I don't claim to be right here, but I think you might want to talk to your husband about parenting from...
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    Ali replied to the thread I also need some advice..
    Do you really think it calls for a divorce? Not that it hasn't crossed my mind at least once. I figured that's not a viable answer...
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    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome. I will pray for you. Please Be Very Richly Encouraged and Comforted In: God's Grace Word for our...
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    Ali reacted Like to Dino246's post in the thread I also need some advice..
    Your situation is sadly common: one parent is lenient and the other is left with all the responsibility for training the child. The wise...
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    Ali reacted Like to HeIsHere's post in the thread I also need some advice..
    My thoughts are really we cannot change others we can only change how we interact with them. So I feel since he is aware of your...
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    Ali replied to the thread I also need some advice..
    Thank you for your advice. It might not come as a surprise to you that letting it go is easier said than done, but I am working on it...
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    Ali replied to the thread I also need some advice..
    I am trying all that I know to make my husband see reason: logic, tears ,and even anger. I am beginning to lose hope in his reasoning...
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    For those who occasionally go see movies or watch shows, finding out about the content of some shows and movies can be difficult...
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    Ali replied to the thread I also need some advice..
    I think you are onto something. How very perceptive of you. I am just now remembering a recent incident in which we dropped our son off...
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    The issue seems like your husband is treating his time away the same as if you were divorced. What I mean by that is I watched my...
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    Ali replied to the thread I also need some advice..
    My husband is not a believer. If anything he is convinced that most pastors are frauds. Family is also in short supply as we are both...
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    I am unsure of how to handle a situation in my marriage. My husband and I share a toddler, a son, one that I prayed dearly to God for...