Recent content by AzureAfire

  1. AzureAfire

    "How has becoming a Christian made a difference in your life?"

    I was in the darkness. I lived my life as if it was just my own. I did my best to be a good person: a good daughter that my family would be proud of and could depend upon, a kind and obedient student at school, and a good friend and sister to my childhood friends. I knew that GOD existed, but I...
  2. AzureAfire

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Now I want to have a pet squirrel. I’ll try to look for my old doll house. They might like that….but it doesn’t have a water slide, though 🤔
  3. AzureAfire

    An Unexpected Request

    You’re right. It’s essential for us to be able to do our job as doctors by being clinical-minded. Emotions are put on hold, so we could focus on finding the solutions to the medical problem that is in front of us. In cases of emergency, it is vital that we not get rattled and be calm and...
  4. AzureAfire

    My cousin announced that he's gonna take his life-?

    I know what it’s like to feel so heartbroken and dead inside, to the point that you’d want to take your own life….the pain is unbelievable, specially because it was caused by people you’d expect to care and be there for you always. And suffering the loss of a loved one can make someone so...
  5. AzureAfire

    please pray for my family

    Losing a loved one is always so painful….you can’t help but feel as if a part of you has been torn off….I feel for you and your family. I’ve lost many loved ones through the years….time eases up the pain somewhat, but you will still feel that grief visit you once in a while. And that’s normal...
  6. AzureAfire

    Urgent: Mom Might Not Make It 🥺

    Aspiration pneumonia is challenging to treat. I hope and pray that your Mom pulls through and fully recovers from her current condition 🙏🏼💖💫 I can only imagine how stressed and worried you must feel, and how your Mom is struggling. I hope and pray that our LORD will bless and guide the hands and...
  7. AzureAfire

    An Unexpected Request

    Your post caught me off guard. Mainly because this hits close to home. Thank you for sharing this here, my brother in Christ 🙏🏼💖💫 I’m an introvert, who thankfully is still able to forge friendships and not be terribly socially awkward about it. For me, it’s easy to be able to relate to others...
  8. AzureAfire

    An Unexpected Request

    Thank you for your kind words and well wishes! I hope and pray that our LORD blesses you where you are as well 🙏🏼💖💫 It’s okay XD I’m not worried about being misgendered. I joke about it, but I’m well aware how that is an issue in certain places in the world. We are living in a pretty insane...
  9. AzureAfire

    Should a Christian watch stand-up comedy

    In this world, specially nowadays, it’s so easy to be exposed to the corruption and filth through what we watch and listen to in the media. And the level of vulgarity increases, as the world becomes more and more irreverent and rebellious, hating what is good and trading it for what is evil and...
  10. AzureAfire

    This is me.

    It’s so easy to feel as if your life is just at that awful stand still….of just being alone and unwanted, and unfulfilled and unloved. But during these times when we feel we are at our most lonesome and worthless selves….this is the time our LORD draws us near to Himself. We are more than our...
  11. AzureAfire

    An Unexpected Request

    I haven’t been in here since forever. It’s been awhile since I’ve started a thread. But I hope that this thread grows into something that provides joy, encouragement and blessing to those who read it. And most of all, to give honor and glory to our LORD, who enables us to do good works, which HE...
  12. AzureAfire

    You know you're getting old when.........

    Sure, Descyple ;) no problem!!! :o I could embroider that on your bunny pouch myself!!! Since street cred means something, and so as not to have your man cards shredded, I'm thinking of having a T-shirt made for you with this print: I am the girl of your dreams, right??? :rolleyes: Including...
  13. AzureAfire

    You know you're getting old when.........

    Oh, Descyple!!! :rolleyes: Don't you know that you're supposed to keep your false teeth, and other "detachables"/"flyables" in your bunny pouch??? :cool: If you don't have one yet, I'll get you one for Christmas!!! :p I think they have different shades of pink. I'll get you the cutest one :o...
  14. AzureAfire

    What Makes A Persons Dateable/Non Dateable???

    I don't mean you out-height your bouffant do, Descyple :rolleyes: I requested that the hair stylist make mine at least 3 inches higher than yours, so when I wear my 3-inch high heels, I'd be approximately as tall as you are :o that'd be awesome!!! I showed her this pic, so I think she got the...
  15. AzureAfire

    Important Questions to Ask Your Date

    !!! :eek: Is there something you're not telling me??? I thought you don't play basketball anymore...:( You better be in my team, or else... ...we won't have matching uniforms!!! :rolleyes: Like this: And I definitely won't be able to wear this: