Recent content by DanaGrace

  1. DanaGrace

    Walk In Your Calling

    Yes, one must obey no matter the cost - especially if you hear a word of direction from the Holy Spirit. Thank you God for speaking to us! It is a real blessing to not be bogged down with the strife and distraction my ex brought and has brought me closer to God. Agreed about the "the Lord...
  2. DanaGrace

    Walk In Your Calling

    Ok, good for you for staying on the right path for 40 years! There is a lot of temptation to drink everywhere you go out there. I got saved at age 18 after being in a dark place with evil all around me. I moved toward the light accepted Christ by a TV preacher on a Sun morning 10-31-84, and came...
  3. DanaGrace

    Walk In Your Calling

    Thank you and God bless you Homward Bound for your compassion and prayer. I agree in Jesus name and would like to add also that God would please draw the best attorney to take my case and that they would not be fearful of the alcoholism or verbal abuse issues we pray are no longer a part of our...
  4. DanaGrace

    Walk In Your Calling

    God bless you for your help Magenta. So sad the world we live in, and it is sad to hear about your sister. I tried to tell him it is a no fault state, so no one has to be to blame. I know how important his image is. Praise God that she has a great relationship with the kids, and praise God for...
  5. DanaGrace

    Walk In Your Calling

    Thank you for your wisdom on this. We do have a lot of material things and the business is worth a whole lot because it makes a lot of money, so I think that is why the Holy Spirit specifically said "hire and attorney" knowing he is the primary on many of our belongings including the savings...
  6. DanaGrace

    Walk In Your Calling

    Thank you. The so called Christian is my separated husband of 24 years who is a heavy drinker and worst a severe verbal abuser diagnosed with PTSD. A quote from a near death experience:, "In hell you have condemnation and accusations coming at you like shot gun pellets, and its just almost...
  7. DanaGrace

    Thank you so much for the super sweet & loving welcome! I hope to find some Holy Spirit filled...

    Thank you so much for the super sweet & loving welcome! I hope to find some Holy Spirit filled friends, and you have great fruit lol.
  8. DanaGrace

    Walk In Your Calling

    Yes Britney, you are right we must do everything in love or we are a clanging cymbal which sounds horrible. I am at learning to do all things in love. It is easy with most people especially the lost. Its hard dealing with so called Christians not producing good fruit. They are typically very...
  9. DanaGrace

    Walk In Your Calling

    1Co 5:9 I wrote you in my [previous] letter not to associate with [sexually] immoral people— 1Co 5:10 not meaning the immoral people of this world, or the greedy ones and swindlers, or idolaters, for then you would have to get out of the world and human society altogether! 1Co 5:11 But actually...
  10. DanaGrace


    Aren't you blessed to live on an island! The American Crocodile looks like a dinosaur, but I heard they make friendly neighbors. Probably like Barney. You can see the resemblance. 😄...
  11. DanaGrace


    God has called us to be perfect as he is perfect and holy as he is holy, so that means it is possible. He blesses those in obedience and answers their prayers.
  12. DanaGrace

    Hello, and now... not spelling well today lol
  13. DanaGrace


    Thank you for the welcome. I just know I will be in the family of God forever and want to be with my brothers and sisters in the hear and now and get away from the wolves and bears trying to get God's sheep. May His will be done here on earth as it is in heaven in my life.
  14. DanaGrace


    LOL Thanks for the video! I can't get my deposit back either. I'm on an island and I heard that there are no gators here because of salt water, but maybe crocks - not much better. Joy is fantastic! Thanks to all for posting to me!:giggle:
  15. DanaGrace


    Praise God for all His many blessings & His Word! Anyone from around SW FL? It be great to find some Holy Spirit filled Christian new friends to go out and enjoy conversation with. :cool: