Recent content by dave44

  1. D

    Prayer for overcoming sugar and misery.

    To any that wrote, no I only work part-time, yes I am a loser as what have I won (salvation is free), and God seems mostly inactive in every location as if he is busy with more important people and events to guide me that much. Reading the bible daily has little in it for me any more due to the...
  2. D

    Prayer for overcoming sugar and misery.

    Hi, because i am depressed at how bad my life is I tend to turn to sugar and hate my life generally for having no activity, no fun, no excitement, no fulfilment in church or the little it does for church goers in general. Not many people go and it is a bit silent and non-interactive. Even advice...
  3. D

    No idea or effort?

    I get your point, but I don't really despair, it is merely an empty inactive life of nothingness. I do not think staring blankly out of a window, because I have nothing else of desire to do, is Christian. It makes me feel non-christian, because of the lack of "fruit". That is what is depressing...
  4. D

    No idea or effort?

    God is against games and my hobbies, because when I go to buy a game and the one next to it says "REPENT II", or I only look at a game in interest that I will not get, in the listings it said, " Includes the soundtrack "Road To Gehenna", it's kind of obvious God does not want "gaming", one...
  5. D

    I Left Behavioral Health after 23 Years: Ask me anything

    I get your point, but it is not helpful. Why, because all that means is "shut up, and keep looking at Jesus, even though nothing has gone anywhere or developed into a christian life and you have had all evangelism stopped when the bible says to do so?". I know you don't mean it that way, but...
  6. D

    No idea or effort?

    I seem to have no idea that is desirous enough to perform that is not me doing it for the sake of it in a disheartening way of futile purposelessness. And I stay in bed all morning doing nothing, not even moving, thinking, "what's the point of getting up, I have nothing to do or live for and am...
  7. D

    Dying alone

    Probably, sorry my bad.
  8. D

    Demon Dream

    It could be both spiritual or Carbon Monoxide from closed windows or sleeping on the floor. As soon as I slept on the floor that I did not do for ages, I had a weird seemingly nonsensical dream of a demonic person killing people in a small room in daytime as they were sat down, and pointed to...
  9. D

    I Left Behavioral Health after 23 Years: Ask me anything

    How does a person become cleansed of a bitter internal greed and selfishness that did not exist as much until they backslid, and now it seems to have created anhedonia to all things, even christian> It seems like I have no future in heaven or on earth or in hell. I am merely waiting to die...
  10. D

    Dying alone

    If you are alone and have no life to hold on to, leave, and go to another more christian filled place, if you feel God leads you to this. Sell what you have and go. If I had nothing and nowhere to hold on to, I would leave. But my family are not saved and I have nowhere else to go. If you are...
  11. D

    Dying alone

    Not a great answer as "Timothy" points out, "where is your faith" without works, if someone knocks on your door and asks for bread and you say "God bless you, be warm" etc, and close the door, is not your faith dead? That's roughly what Timothy points to. Basically "cheapskate christians" giving...
  12. D

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I would post my face but you might have a heart attack :)
  13. D

    Disliking the bible.

    Also, there are many translations in other languages that are from the same text source.
  14. D

    Disliking the bible.

    You really should watch and not make assumptions. It is not about the English, it is about the source texts and it is proven in theses videos especially the videos. It is about translation source, not English, as some of these videos also prove that the greek and hebrew...
  15. D

    Hi not new but a noobie question?

    So there is not a delete option, only a "leave PM", suppose all messages are kept by the system until I delete account then?/ Nevermind, I saw the "ignore future replies and keep deleted". Thanks.