Recent content by MaryM

  1. M

    The question of forgiveness

    Of course I believe you, what you have experienced is the love of the Holy Spirit. This is because you were open to Him. That is fantastic. I truly respect what you have written because it is truth.
  2. M

    The question of forgiveness

    Reading Luke chapter 17 verses 3 to 4, I can do that most certainly. If anyone apologised to me no problem, I can and do forgive and forget. Even several times. My heart melts if a person is sincere and I would feel awful not to forgive them. The time I find it almost impossible to forgive is...
  3. M

    Can Christians have a sense of humour?

    It's just I wonder sometimes what is ok to laugh at. When people make Jesus jokes I find I am all right unless they go over a certain line. Insults to our Lord are not amusing, using His name as a swearword is not acceptable. It is about where to draw that line. In other religions, no joke is...
  4. M

    Can Christians have a sense of humour?

    My memory is bad! Sorry, I do repeat myself.
  5. M

    Can Christians have a sense of humour?

    Interesting, I never heard of that before.
  6. M

    Can Christians have a sense of humour?

    I sometimes hear witty though harmless jokes about the Bible and Jesus, I cannot help but laugh as long as they are not really offensive. I hope this is ok because God gave us our sense of humour after all? There is no humour in the Bible of course but must we be serious all the time? I am a...
  7. M

    The parable of the unjust steward

    I'm stuck on this one, I would welcome it explained please. Luke, chapter 16, verses 1 to 15. I have not heard of this parable before. Though I know we cannot serve God and mammon.
  8. M

    The Eurovision Song Contest

    I agree. It's devil worship and was ghastly. I felt chilled that that was what Ireland saw fit as their entry. It is not good, it is evil being glorified.
  9. M

    The Eurovision Song Contest

    Wonderful film, so funny.
  10. M

    The Eurovision Song Contest

    You are not missing much.
  11. M

    The Eurovision Song Contest

    Oh sorry, I didn't see.
  12. M

    The Eurovision Song Contest

    I watch it, as a traditional thing to do, with my family. It's not comfortable viewing though. I find myself disturbed at what our world has become, which is a bit of an understatement. The Irish entry was chilling, seemingly a collection of screams, dreadful occult and satanic images...
  13. M

    Need explanation for a verse in Luke

    Luke 11 verses 24- 26. I could do with clarification please. Does this mean a man cleansed of an evil spirit is actually more at risk of much worse?
  14. M

    Was the devil tempting Jesus literally?

    I am not sure, it needs reflection.
  15. M

    Was the devil tempting Jesus literally?

    Not unbelief. Only a search for truth, to explore and question, as is every person's right.. I have never been one to believe blindly.