Recent content by Niki7

  1. Niki7

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR

    behold the confusion in this post. from what I gather about your style of posting, everyone but you is always and consistently wrong. that is actually a common style often found in Christian forums and churches but let's proceed anyway. I do so because the error in this post is so outstanding...
  2. Niki7

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    one day at a time
  3. Niki7

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    I'm not American (as some probably know) but I am married to an American (24 yrs now) but I am fully aware of the activities of the left in this country. As a Canadian, I am also very concerned about the goings on with Trudeau and his cronies. I was pretty sure the jury would come back with a...
  4. Niki7

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR

    The op asks: Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR for the Unjust/Nonelect/Unsaved whose names are not written in The Book of Life? No one is born into the world forgiven, just and elected. Every single human being is unjust and...
  5. Niki7

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    People like to say that God is punishing this country or will punish this country. He does not have to. People of this country, are very busy punishing themselves. Perhaps though, the one abomination above all the others, is the baby killing. Offering your children to Molech is beyond...
  6. Niki7

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    yes you are wrong now if you believe that Russia, China, N. Korea and other communist regimes achieve the results that they do by lying, bringing false charges and getting rid of political opponents even to the point of murder and throwing people in jail with lies and harrassing public figures...
  7. Niki7

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Took my family on a hike a few weeks ago and I've been so relaxed ever since. I have to enjoy it now because it definately will not be this quiet when I finally go to pick them up...
  8. Niki7

    Which pill for you?

    well we do see things differently I am bothered by the derailments because it is just another indicator of people either not being polite to those who take the time and effort to start a thread or people who cannot focus long enough to benefit from an actual discussion....of course there are...
  9. Niki7

    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    do you have any idea the damage false prophets incur? and then they just go and dream up another one? we are not living in OT times nor are the Gentiles the ones the law was given to, but don't expect much positive feedback from God (when all is revealed) where the false prophets are...
  10. Niki7


    yeah and who started the blather anyway? rhetorical question
  11. Niki7

    Which pill for you?

    it also seems there is some confusion concerning what the colors of the pills stand for: In the first episode of the film trilogy The Matrix, lead character Neo was given the option of taking a red pill, which would enable him to understand what was actually occurring outside the illusion...
  12. Niki7

    Which pill for you?

    OK ~ thanks for answering me in a succint way. I was raised on the blue pill but questionning and even circumstance, led me to the red pill. Having been semi-lulled to sleep (and no reflection on you here) the red pill was a rude poke in the ribs which I prefer to being comfortable in...
  13. Niki7

    Which pill for you?

    ok....then don't offer politics as a response :rolleyes:
  14. Niki7

    Which pill for you?

    I don't believe that at all. I just gotta shake my head in amazement at what you say here. Jesus obeyed the government of the day...Romans...while setting an example of what obedience to God actually was. He made zero effort to overthrow anything save the devil who up until that time, ran...
  15. Niki7

    Which pill for you?

    or their guns.............:whistle: (jking...kind of)