Recent content by Sculpt

  1. Sculpt

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    Yes, I went outside and viewed the night sky many times and verified the constellations and their movements are exactly what is predicted by the spherical model. Have you? You live in the southern hemisphere, right? Tell us, when you look south, are all the stars, including Sigma Octantis...
  2. Sculpt

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    It's a coincidence if the earth is flat and ironic if the earth is a sphere. :LOL: I have a buddy who's curing me of using the word ironic the wrong way.
  3. Sculpt

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    Do you think he knows what he's saying is false? Is he a shyster trying to make money off the gullible? Or is he just willing to say what he thinks without having the integrity to verify it first? In the first 3 mins he stated something that is factually incorrect, and anyone can verify it's...
  4. Sculpt

    What was your fave cartoon as a kid and why?

    That link is already ended. I'll send ya some sources for Final Wars. Besides Ultraman, have you seen any of Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot, Space Giants and Spectreman? Those of course are the American TV titles of the Japanese TV shows. Have you seen most of the 1960-70 Godzilla...
  5. Sculpt

    What was your fave cartoon as a kid and why?

    I used to watch Ultraman, Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot, Space Giants and Spectreman. It would be cool to see them meshed together on the big screen. You ever see Godzilla Final Wars film?
  6. Sculpt

    To What Extent Are Singles and Marries Allowed to Socialize Together Online? (All Input Welcome/Needed for Future Threads.)

    melita916's message, "My husband is reading this message. Anything else you want to say?" :p:ROFL::ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:
  7. Sculpt

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    Your post reminds me there's a lot to be said for being plain spoken.
  8. Sculpt

    What was your fave cartoon as a kid and why?

    That's true, Godzilla's teammate usually wasn't a big help, like Mothra and Rodan. To get the full version of the films, the English subtitles are good. But I like the United Artists English dubs for the original Shōwa era films; they have so much joy in them. It's too bad there was never a...
  9. Sculpt

    To What Extent Are Singles and Marries Allowed to Socialize Together Online? (All Input Welcome/Needed for Future Threads.)

    Depends on the specifics of the "online singles group", but generally speaking, I see some obvious negatives to having married people in an "online singles group", including anyone in a committed relationship. When you're new to a group and don't even know if everyone is single, that puts a lot...
  10. Sculpt

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    Genesis 1 refers to the sun, moon and stars as being in heaven as well. But I get your point. The issue should not cause disharmony among christians. However, I believe there is an issue when someone presents falsehood in association with Christ. Observation of the stars motion prove the earth...
  11. Sculpt

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    Exactly. Using that verse on the issue is logically inappropriate. Even from a "high mountain" the human eye can only see a limited distance on earth... and the farther away it is, the less detail is possible. According to Guinness World Records the record distance of sight from earth surface...
  12. Sculpt

    The hatred of Jews

    Yes (the basic theology and biblical reference, and how Christian Zionism connects to activism for a Jewish homeland?. And if Darby and Scofield had any personal contact/support with Rothchild or anyone associated with Christian Zionism.
  13. Sculpt

    The hatred of Jews

    Could you elaborate on this subject and how it relates?
  14. Sculpt

    The hatred of Jews

    Keep in mind 56% of the people who voted did NOT vote for Hamas. And 25% of eligible voters did not vote. So, 64% of eligible voters did not vote for Hamas. Hamas simply had the most seats in their parliament. That was in 2006 which is 18 years ago. There haven't been any elections since. Good...
  15. Sculpt

    The hatred of Jews

    Brother Nehemiah6, you certainly have a right to your own assessment of the internal intentions of thousands of students, especially those you've never spoken to. I'm sure you don't like it when strangers declare your intentions are different than what you plainly state they are. There's a...