Recent content by Slimsumo

  1. S

    “Neither Jew nor Greek”

    I do get the promises. The promises fulfilled by Abraham's SEED = Christ. If the people who were in exile in Babylon struggled proving their identity, how much now after 2000 years? Impossible. Even IF this story about the spartans being of the same 'stock' as jews (God made all nations of...
  2. S

    “Neither Jew nor Greek”

    Yeah these israelite groups are a dime a dozen. Black hebrew israelites (many camps of these), you got the british israelites (many groups once again) and what a coincidence, its always the people YOU are thats the israelites. You rarely if ever see someone who is black come to the conclusion...
  3. S

    Do we know how Yeshua lived his life?

    Yeshua kept all the feasts, fulfilled the spring feasts, the rest are fulfilled after the second coming
  4. S

    Contradictions in the Bible?

    Never use this argument to people who can think. If you ever say this, you are admitting the Bible is not God's word, but man's word and they will have a field day with you Because its just man writing down history as if writing a news article. "Well he just didnt see it" But wait? I thought...
  5. S

    Contradictions in the Bible?

    Matthew 27:44 The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth. In Luke you have one thief repenting, Matthew and Mark neither thief repents.
  6. S

    Abraham’s descendants - How many Gen 22:17

    Very helpful. I wish I could be inside your mind for a little bit. I appreciate your view. Can you answer a few more of my questions please? 1. In 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 it says that when Jesus returns in flaming fire He will bring vengeance to those who persecute His people and all who dont...
  7. S

    Abraham’s descendants - How many Gen 22:17

    Since you are a convert from judaism, I would like to ask your view on the timing of the rapture and whether there will be sacrifices in the millennium? Do you believe the TEMPLE where the antichrist sets himself up as God is the church or third jewish temple in Jerusalem?
  8. S

    Forgive 70x7 Matt 18:21-22

    I personally keep count of the amount of times i've forgiven a person. I got a notepad with people's names on it. Once they cross the 490 mark its over. Its biblical
  9. S

    God the Destroyer

    2 Peter 2:21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
  10. S

    On This Day in Church History

    Calvin had some strange ideas about the spiritual gifts stopping in the 1st century. I do respect the part he played in the reformation and his anti RCC stance.
  11. S

    What is violence? Matt 11:12

    I take it to mean people were aggresively pursuing getting baptized by John
  12. S

    The Problem With Grace

    As @SomeDisciple pointed out, "do they not?" But since you seem to claim this is NOT the case, here is something from the horse's mouth: All im gonna say is, why would you push back against the idea that EVERYONE can repent? I promise you, orthodox, protestant, catholic, even cults all...
  13. S

    The Problem With Grace

    Orthodox people also believe that serial killers who REPENT will be in heaven, as do the catholics, all protestants, literally every single group within Christendom. Even cults like JW and mormons believe people can REPENT and be saved.
  14. S

    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    Type in "faith alone" to bible gateway or e-sword or some other Bible app and see what comes up ;) Heres the results: BIBLE SEARCH RESULTS James 2:24 You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.