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  1. wattie

    He that believes and is not water baptised is saved

    A contradiction of Mark 16:16? No.. (Mar 16:16) KJV: He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Notice the later part of this verse. Being damned is conditioned on not believing. Not on 'not getting water baptised' Often we can put a verse...
  2. wattie

    Who is receiving the Spirit?

    I believe this is a question that will clear up a lot of confusion about the Holy Spirit's work in an individual and a local church as a corporate gathering. When a whole group is empowered, or receives the Spirit.. this is not usually about the people in this group getting converted. So, if...
  3. wattie

    Objections against Jesus' resurrection

    There are theories from critics that people have held to over the years to say Jesus did not rise from the dead. 1... Jesus only swooned on cross Here are some big problems with this and why this theory bit the dust.. The crucifixion process can kill someone before they are put on the cross...
  4. wattie

    Contextual study

    There are principles that allow a reader to understand a passage of scripture, having first prayed for the Holy Spirit to work on your heart before reading the passage. Firstly- Asking who is talking to whom? The people being addressed could come from many different backgrounds and not be...
  5. wattie

    What would you say?

    When you die and if God asked why should I let you in to heaven?
  6. wattie

    Subtle deception

    A very pernicious and damaging doctrine gaining popularity at the moment is saying Jesus is lesser than the Father. This attacks the heart of salvation through Jesus Christ as God and Saviour. Your thoughts? (I know this has been addressed before but I thought the need to highlight it again)
  7. wattie

    What is a church?

    Looking just from the bible, there are key things a church is and isn't . Is.... an assembly of baptised believers, with Jesus as the Head. Covenants together to carry out the Great commission and commandment. Isn't ...the building this group would meet at. Is... assembled Isn't ...
  8. wattie

    'Turning from sin'

    In most tracts today, a form of this phrase is put with how to get saved. As well as believing on Jesus Christ, 'commiting your life to Christ '.. 'turning from sin'... 'making Him Lord of your life'. .. are put in with 'believe on the Lord Jesus Christ ' The issue with these if we...
  9. wattie

    Theories on the resurrection

    Bible critics a long time ago tried to counter the resurrection with some theories. These theories show the reality of the gospel accounts. One was that Jesus only swooned on the cross. They thought that the coolness of the tomb could revive Jesus. But this theory bit the dust pretty hard...
  10. wattie

    Two main issues

    There are two main issues that mess with salvation that are popular at the moment. One is Lordship salvation. This is where salvation depends on you lessening sin in your life before you can be saved or means that if you are saved, you WILL be continuously faithful after salvation. It's 'back...
  11. wattie

    Jesus is God

    This has been covered already, there is another at least one thread called 'Christ is God', but I think there is too much lowering of Jesus' status in these forums at the moment. When the Pharisees wanted to stone Jesus, it was for blasphemy. Jesus was making Himself equal with God. So...
  12. wattie

    Restoring the rainbow

    Unless you've been living under the sand over the past several years.. you would have noticed that the rainbow has become a symbol of something that God did not purpose. So let's get back to the real meaning of what the rainbow is really about. Is it about individual rights and freedoms and...
  13. wattie


    The sinners prayer I have heard from many people on here that it isn't really how someone is saved. I am trying to understand what they mean, because I haven't had it fully explained why this isn't how someone is saved. Roman's 10 shows someone confessing their sin to be saved.. and I equate...
  14. wattie

    Group v individual

    I think a big key in understanding scripture is seeing when the Holy Spirit is working with a group or individual. The Holy Spirit can be coming 'upon' an individual and indwelling an individual at receiving eternal salvation. For a group.. the Holy Spirit can be 'in the midst ' and...
  15. wattie

    The beginning of the New Testament church

    Many Christians put the beginning of the New Testament church at Pentecost with the Acts. Thing is .. Jesus assembling with His disciples did all the work of a NT church. *Jesus is the Head *they were all believers aside from Judas *they did the Lords Supper *commissioned to make disciples and...
  16. wattie

    Allah and Christ

    Some one the other day spoke to me that Allah is just another name for the same God as christianity. I was surprised cos this was coming from a Christian, but it made me think what really separates that two. I looked at a dvd on comparing Allah and Christ and the key thing is the Christian...
  17. wattie


    This thread is regarding the doctrine of cessationism. It has been covered before, but I thought it was necessary to have a seperate thread for this. There are common statements made regarding cessationism that I thought I'd like to address: 1- 'You are limiting/denying the power of the Holy...
  18. wattie

    What do we mean by 'the church'

    'The church' needs to get back to the truth. 'The church' needs to stop being greedy. 'The church' is watered down. What are we talking about when we say 'the church'? Are you talking about the local church as an institution? Or are you meaning all believers currently alive? Thing is...
  19. wattie

    Onward Christian Soldiers !

    This is as much for me as for all believers .. the Christian call to the spiritual fight... 1 Timothy 6:9-13 KJV But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. [10] For the love of money is...
  20. wattie

    Holy Spirit baptism and eternal salvation

    I have been seeing a lot of posts about baptism with the Holy Spirit and I dont see where it is connected to being eternally saved in scripture. The disciples were told by Jesus He would baptise them with the Holy Spirit but they would have been saved eternally before the occurence in Acts. 1...