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  1. B

    What are stories in the Bible modern society makes it hard to read or understand?

    For me it's Joshua 8, Ai destroyed. I can't read this without saying "AI" artificial intelligence. But it makes me feel good knowing Joshua fought the battle with AI and won. 🤣 I know there are a lot of serious ones out there too. How has modern society shaped how you read or understand the...
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    Demonic possession in objects

    My husband is a woodworker and was selling a cross. A woman was feeling the cross and then asked if he could make a Pentagram. It was so bizarre and took him by surprise. We then started talking about demons and how she didn't burst into flames so I guessed she wasn't a demon. To which he...
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    Abrahamic Covenant? God giving abundance to his people

    A covenant in the Bible is the deepest truth or promise provided. It's impossible for God to break it.... and it has nothing to do with you. It has to do with him making the promise and the fact that God can't lie. If he lies, he dies and so do we. Here it is: Gen. 12:2 I will make you you...
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    Was Jesus a rich or poor man, when on earth?

    I watched a pastor on YouTube explain how Jesus was actually very rich when on earth. He made a lot of valid points and basically I feel like I've been lied to again. The reasons are as follow: 1. Mary was a descendent of king David and therefore had generational wealth. 2. Staying in a...
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    Were boomers the hard workers of our country?

    Why do you think so many people don't want to work now? Is it laziness? To be clear my husband and I do work, but his job changed after covid. He use to be gone 12 hours a day and now he's part time with a side job and can pick hours. I also have a work from home job. In our case we did...
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    Why did the cupbearer forget Joseph after he interpreted his dream and the bread makers?

    Genesis 40:18 “This is what it means,” Joseph said. “The three baskets are three days. 19 Within three days Pharaoh will lift off your head and impale your body on a pole. And the birds will eat away your flesh.” 20 Now the third day was Pharaoh’s birthday, and he gave a feast for all his...
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    Why did God write to the king at Belshazzars feast?

    Can anyone explain Belshazzar's feast where the hand of God writes on the wall in front of everyone? He obviously writes in Hebrew so only Daniel could read it, but why? Also why not do the same thing when writing the Bible and let people actually see him writing it? What if he did that today?
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    Passive Income?

    Does anyone on here make a passive income or maybe you do trading/stocks? Would you be willing to provide some insight for it? Dave Ramsey once said he saw a bumper sticker saying "I dreamed of the salary I'm now starving on." He said that's not funny bc it's so true. Well that's how I feel...
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    Have you ever left a church because there are no kids for your kid?

    Currently at my church there is only 1 child the same age as my kid. So in their room when she's absent he's by himself. There are some older kids, so as he gets older I think it would get better possibly. Do you think I should start looking at other churches? It seems like such a little...
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    Are we really in a dream? When did Adam wake up in Eden?

    So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Genesis 2:21 After the Bible mentions about God putting Adam into a deep sleep it never mentions waking him. Do you think this is on...
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    Why is parenting so difficult? My mother says I'm a horrible mom.

    My 4 year old son is one of the most difficult kids I've ever been around. Keeping in mind I work in special education so I work with kids who have behavior needs. Behavior strategies generally work well at work. However they do not work for my son. Mainly bc he knows the right way to behave...
  12. B

    How did Satan face God in Job?

    The accuser or Satan is able to come to God in Job to throw Job under the bus. Yet we're told no one can see the face of God and live. Does that mean Satan is dead or does it only apply to flesh? How did Satan face God in Job? Or did he not see his face? Any thoughts on this?
  13. B

    We are at war with China

    My theory: We've been at war with China since January 2021 when they created a bioweapon known as covid 19 at a Wuhan laboratory. The WHO still hasn't investigated it. Beforehand they had their "soldiers" in place all over the world including the United States. They locked down their...
  14. B

    When did you change your perception and find joy?

    I've been feeling pretty down lately since I lost my best friend recently. No I'm not a kid, but a woman in my 30's. Today Google photos decided to make a video of the pictures in my photos (mainly my kid) with a song in the background. At first I was annoyed, but then I looked and thought wow...
  15. B

    Do Christians have "demons" in us/around/both? Where do our thoughts come from?

    So this idea stems from God asking Adam and Eve, "Who told you you were naked?" God specifically said "who" not "Why do you say that?" or "Why would you think that?" etc. I'm not talking about demon possession because I don't believe Christians can have that with the holy spirit dwelling...