Search results

  1. T

    Kilts and similar men's wear.

    I told someone on here awhile back that I bought a kilt. I wear it mostly for church and dance class. Below is a much less fancy skirt for warm weather when I go target shooting or something. Anyone else wear Kilt/skirts/robes/etc?
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    finding myself slipping back into sinful habits

    There's no pleasure in it anymore, but what with feeling down in the dumps one of my old sinful habits is getting the better of me. Prayer to resist.
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    mark 16 17-18 fascinating sings

    17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” We see lots of...
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    movies, shows, and when to run the other way.

    For those who occasionally go see movies or watch shows, finding out about the content of some shows and movies can be difficult sometimes. IMDB isn't always concerned about if a movie has offensive content in it, at least as far as Christians are concerned. Unless you've seen it before, you may...
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    trinity is controversial?

    I never thought this was a thing, but I guess for some it is, Why is it? I always thought it was a simple explanation for verses like "Anyone who has seen me has seen the father"?
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    giving up computer and tv for spring and summer

    Pass worded myself out of the computer. This is to free up wasted time on family things project, bible time, as well as putting the curb on temptations that the devil has been having a little too much luck with. My computer time boils down to at work only, So I'll only be online at work and...
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    proverbs 24:16 new favorite verse

    for the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity. this is a good encouragement verse for when you've screwed up.
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    ordered a kilt

    For times when regular skirts won't do, I finally ordered my first real kilt from USA Kilts, semi traditional in steward black modern. plan to use it for square dance, occasionally at church and possibly Scottish county dancing, pretty much anything requiring something a touch more formal. Any...
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    prayer for temptation

    need prayers to resist temptation to sin.
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    peculiar warning of 2 peter 2:20-21

    For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of...
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    monks costume is inappropriate for church?

    I never thought I'd have to defend myself for wearing a costume to church. I was given a long cloak with a hood as a gift and I figured I'd use it for my Halloween costume this year. When looking for something to wear with it to make it look more like something a medieval monk would wear I...
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    different levels of falling away

    Hebrews 6 4-8 is often taken as a falling away that can't be repented of, I think Hebrews 10:29 is where it's really at though. A behavior of someone who flat won't repent and has ditched their belief in Christ completely. How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who...
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    Wife falls away

    From doing the work of the father in heaven. Short story years ago she had a disagreement with a few people at church, since then she's pretty much vowed to never get involved with the church again. This might have been fine if she was active in other ways, praying, reading the bible, something...
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    Christian Halloween films

    Scary movie season is here. With all the worldly movies out there, what movies would you consider appropriate for the season that are suitable for a christian to watch. Estus Pirkle's Burning Hell comes to mind, which is a docu-drama about hell., although it's kind of hard to find. Then there's...
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    what sin do you struggle with the most?

    James 3:2 We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check. Which area(s) do you find the most likely to cause you to sin and stumble? For me I'd say it's lusting, embarrassing to admit, but it clearly is one I...
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    porn addiction slip up

    need prayer, had two slips this week which is way too many in my mind, was doing very well till about a week ago or so, went over a month without watching the obscene material prior, I don't want to backslide into a relapse, also, been stressing about keeping up with things, need bible time as...
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    do people sometimes abuse 1 Corinthians 10:31 to condemn others?

    I've run into people bringing this up when discussing hobbies and activities that to my mind don't violate anything in scriptures, and they can't cite any other verses, (I once had someone used this to argue watching the original Star Wars was sinful). I know we shouldn't put a stumbling block...
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    2 peter 19-22 understanding

    19 They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved. 20 For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and...
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    Demon possession in the old testament?

    I got curious the other day, wondering if I could find any accounts of someone being possessed in the old testament, but came up emty. I have to assume it was happening, does anyone know of any reference to it before Mathew? There's accounts of sorcery multiple times and other demonic things...
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    rocky picture horror show, totally inappropriate for christians?

    I've got an oportunity to go see the rocky picture horror show, has anyone actually seen this, being into trashy cult films this is one Ive thought about watching. However from what I hear from some people is that aside from being a drag show, it's riddled with innuendoes and nudity. Is it like...