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  1. Socreta93

    Non-Christian related movies

    I like the third more than TOD
  2. Socreta93

    Non-Christian related movies

    This will be long: GoodFellas Taxi Driver Avengers Endgame The Gift Dune 1 & 2 Bronx Tale Terminator 2 Pulp Fiction Matrix American History X The Gift Aladdin Fury Road Remember The Titans Inception Oppenheimer Interstellar Dark Night Departed The Warriors Miracle Panic Room Rocky all of them...
  3. Socreta93

    Word Association

  4. Socreta93

    Last person to post wins!!!

  5. Socreta93

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Everyone should be against injustice until it's something I disagree with? When other groups of people want to fight injustice, the other side scoff at them and try to limit their voices. When the other side try to fight injustice, the same happens in reverse. Am I wrong? We can't just say "we...
  6. Socreta93

    Do you listen to podcasts?

    I occasionally listen to wrestling podcasts but overall true crime podcasts is what I listen too.
  7. Socreta93

    Why Won't I Vote for Trump?

    The election will follow the same way the 2016 and 2020 did. When Trump won democrats were outraged and were certain the election was rigged. Republicans disagreed because their guy won. When Biden won, Republicans were outraged and were certain the elections were rigged. Democrats disagreed...
  8. Socreta93

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    The election will follow the same way the 2016 and 2020 did. When Trump won democrats were outraged and were certain the election was rigged. Republicans disagreed because their guy won. When Biden won, Republicans were outraged and were certain the elections were rigged. Democrats disagreed...
  9. Socreta93

    Speak Your Mind.

    If you're a Christian, being mean and throwing insults at each other because "left/right bad" is not showing a good example of a follower of Christ. Just pray and hope Christ is in control of everything.
  10. Socreta93

    Did man land on the moon?

    What do people, especially Christians accomplish by disproving that we went to the moon? IMO, the most compelling case for the moon landings isn't any one piece of actual evidence, but rather the fact that the Soviets didn't dispute it. We were ready to nuke each other back into the Stone Age...
  11. Socreta93

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    The right gets mad when the left insults and makes fun of Trump yet have no problems doing it to Biden or anyone in that circle The left gets mad when people criticize or insult Biden yet have no problem insulting Trump or anyone in that circle. I've said this before, if you're a Christian...
  12. Socreta93

    Christian related movies

    I've like a couple (I can Only Imagine, The Case For Christ) and other ones like Passion Of The Christ and Chronicles Of Narnia. But Most Christian moves like those from the Kendrick Brothers, Gods Not Dead franchise, all of those are just really bad. Bad acting, bad directing, bad script...
  13. Socreta93

    Sports Thread

    Duality as a fan Yankees:D Giants:mad: Nets:mad: Liberty :D Penn State :)
  14. Socreta93

    Sports Thread

    There are much worst players than him that exist. In fact he's on a good hot streak right now
  15. Socreta93

    Stop drinking soda, trust me

    I don't have diabetes but I have what you can consider pre while also needed to be monitored closely. I had a glucose monitor sample for 2 weeks and I can track how my sugar is throughout the day. I stopped soda in the beginning of April and the results are amazing. My sugar levels improved...
  16. Socreta93

    Why do you think Judas actually betrayed Jesus?

    Read theories on reddit and other places and a theory I've seen was that Judas was political, a zealot who were basically terrorists resisting the Roman occupation of Israel who would assassinate Roman officials He wanted to overthrow Rome and may have wanted power. He may have thought if would...
  17. Socreta93

    Why do you think Judas actually betrayed Jesus?

    Obviously the easy answer was that he was greedy but it has to be deeper than that right? He betrayed Jesus for only 30 pieces of silver which. Some scholars have proposed different interpretations, with the low end being around $90 and the high end being closer to $450. Thats how much he sold...
  18. Socreta93

    The Case For Christ

    I really liked this movie. It's a different type of Christian movie since you are following the journey of an atheist trying to prove Jesus was did not rise again. But I love that the deeper he goes, the more evidence he finds of the truth until he finally gives up and admits defeat.
  19. Socreta93

    Being depressed and sad in church and how to deal with people

    I'm not clinically depressed but O have moments where my mood is down, feel very alone ad sometimes don't want to go to church. I have to because my parents will complain plus I work in the A/V and I have the most experience working there so I have responsibility. People are nice, say hi ask me...
  20. Socreta93

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    If Trump were to ask Hiilary Clinton to be his running mate, would his MAGA supporters go along with it or be like "yeah lets g....hold up, wait a minute".