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  1. Evmur

    The killer flaw in pre-tribulation rapture doctrine

    your opinion not mine.
  2. Evmur

    The killer flaw in pre-tribulation rapture doctrine

    They are the same judgement, There is only one last judgement where eternal destinies are decided.
  3. Evmur

    The killer flaw in pre-tribulation rapture doctrine

    The last judgement comes at the end of the 1, 000 years.
  4. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    The great misfortune with any falseness of doctrine is you get snagged upon it, it acts like a lasso that throws you and pins you down and you can't move on to greater light. You are stuck as though in a groove, you spend your whole life on this one point of doctrine, trying to prove it. It's...
  5. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    there ya go again first the scripture then the scholarly workings out by human logic which you hold as equal truth. See, when I read Paul "I would oh Agrippa that all men were as me apart from these chains" I see no limitation on God's part but see only Agrippa held back in bondage. We...
  6. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    So then you were saved by your humility, not only so but you were very wise and prudent to recognise that salvation is by faith.
  7. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    This is what I object to You quote the scripture and then you quote the workings out of these scriptures by scholarly men and hold both up as the received truth of equal value Human logic is not an adequate interpreter of scripture, this is just the fault I find with Calvin. Logically he would...
  8. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    nowhere in scripture is a limited atonement taught, the only place God's mercy is limited is where merciless persons are warned that they will receive no mercy. Predestiny and election pertain to the church, the body of Christ ... it prevents nobody from being saved.
  9. Evmur

    The killer flaw in pre-tribulation rapture doctrine

    there are not 2 final judgements when the King will come and sit upon His glorious throne Matt: 25. When ALL nations will be gathered before Him and given their final destination. It is called the resurrection of the living and the dead. There are 2 sorts of people there. In the GWT judgement...
  10. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    you nor Jonathan Edwards awoke one morning saved ... salvation doesn't happen that way.
  11. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    Paul's message is unlimited grace, "I would Agrippa that all men would become as I am yet without these chains"
  12. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    Here is what YOU do not understand ... God's anger at mankind for sin has been expended, fully expended at the cross, God has suspended the time for the final judgement of sin, He has appointed a day. We are living in the epoch of God's grace. John [my Strict and Particular friend] taught that...
  13. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    You talk alot about grace but you are not very gracious ... you might wish to ponder that. God's punishment of sin was known by the early Puritans as "God's peculiar work" that is to say it is a work He does that is averse to His nature. He waits with long suffering. The early Puritans of the...
  14. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    you are foolish
  15. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    nobody wakes up saved one morning so obviously to say we do absolutely nothing is foolish. People are saved when God subdues the will. This is an easier process for some than it is for others, a happier process for some than it is for others. God's will prevails in every case.
  16. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    George Whitefield who many of us think was the prime mover of the great awakening and the greater evangelist was much closer to what was going on and much closer to the Wesleys ... he does not share your withered judgement.
  17. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    The pure doctrines of Sovereign Grace cuts God loose [not that He was ever bound] from all limitations and boundaries which the mind of human scholarship and understanding would put upon it. You talk about idols, you've got a few. I muse at the term Hyper grace, God's grace is spoken in the...
  18. Evmur

    3 Reasons Jesus Did Not Go To Hell

    I got 2 points to make first is Hebrews 9:27 does not say it is appointed for man once to die and after that damnation. It says and after that the judgement. Everybody ASSUMES it means damnation....everybody. Everybody ASSUMES that everyone raised in the final resurrection are damned ...
  19. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    Yes and he speaks for us all ... if you ever do experience agape love you will understand to the last comma and full stop what John Wesley means here. God's love is not attainable to our poor human hearts, we have but faint glimpses of it. People swoon when God manifests His love in a tangible...
  20. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    God is not bound by your understanding or by Calvin's understand of Him or His word. One thing the Reformation has taught us all is that there is much in the bible which remains hidden to us unless and until God shines His light upon it.