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  1. Aaron56

    He that believes and is not water baptised is saved

    Jesus Christ baptizes us WITH the Spirit. He accomplishes this from heaven. The Spirit baptizes us into the one Body of Christ. This also occurred AFTER Jesus ascended to heaven as there was no body of Christ into which anyone could be immersed until after He arose as the life-giving Spirit...
  2. Aaron56

    He that believes and is not water baptised is saved

    The scriptures actually speak of 4 different baptisms: by the Spirit, of the Spirit, with fire, and with water. The "one baptism" Paul wrote about here is the baptism by the Spirit. This baptism places all who believe into the Body of Christ. This is the one baptism that joins all who believe...
  3. Aaron56

    He that believes and is not water baptised is saved

    Why Jesus was Baptized by John John was the son the priest Zechariah (a Levite). So, by the Law, he was able to be a priest. John also had taken the vow of the Nazarite. This was a strict code of obedience and behavior that demonstrated an additional level of dedication. He was, in effect, a...
  4. Aaron56

    Forgive 70x7 Matt 18:21-22

    Pffft! You really need to track that stuff with Microsoft Excel: Sin Forgiveness Module 3.33: desktop and mobile versions. I use the desktop version when I forgive anyone who is currently in my home. The mobile version is when I'm on the go. That version has a nice automatic counter for when I'm...
  5. Aaron56

    The Problem With Grace

    Totally. I think people are taught "you are redeemed from Hell" since the outcome of the inherent sin nature is condemnation. So it's an end-stage thing. But they never stop to ask: for what are we redeemed? or "What's the purpose of salvation beyond not going to Hell?" Leaders are content to...
  6. Aaron56

    The Problem With Grace

    Sure. I was mostly referencing the Evangelical/Independent Church. But I agree with you.
  7. Aaron56

    The Problem With Grace

    Just to season the discussion a bit. First, I understand that the gospel is, and should be, simple. Elementary. Not elementary as if it is a child's thing. But elementary as a foundational thing. So I absolutely support a simple message of good news to the world. However, resilience against...
  8. Aaron56

    The Problem With Grace

    It was actually a very inaccurate quote meant to be ironic. Your compliment shows your kindness. And I’m now more certain than ever that I’m funnier in my own head.
  9. Aaron56

    The Problem With Grace

    Reminds me that one verse: “To whom much is given, much is required.” -Uncle Ben to Peter Parker.
  10. Aaron56

    The Problem With Grace

    Absolutely. The spirit that prompts Christians to shut down people with sincere questions is the same one that will prompt others to behead non-believers in other religions. I'm fun at parties.
  11. Aaron56

    Religious Tithing

    And when Abraham tithed, his faith was in whom? By faith we are of Abraham's lineage. "Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?— 6 just as Abraham “believed God, and it was accounted to him for...
  12. Aaron56

    The Problem With Grace

    Ironically, it is because the church has, by and large, rejected certain graces from God that they keep wrangling over the subject of "grace". :D (That was funnier in my head, I am sure.) -Aaron56
  13. Aaron56

    The Problem With Grace

    With that said ^ It's clear to me that many in the church do not understand "grace". Grace is a word of art that has many meanings. Believers in the U.S. read "grace" and always insert "unmerited favor". That's just one of the meanings of the word. It's no surprise that people in the U.S. have...
  14. Aaron56

    The Problem With Grace

    Yeah. It was sad, but expected, to see negative reactions to her post. It's how people with sincere concerns are shut-down by many of the churches.
  15. Aaron56

    Religious Tithing

    Abraham's and Jacob’s 10th would seem arbitrary if not for the law that was given 100s of years later. Wisdom tells me there was some understanding among Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob about the tithe that existed among their people. It would make sense, since their patriarch, Abraham, was the first...
  16. Aaron56

    The question of forgiveness

    :) I greatly appreciate your wisdom and candor.
  17. Aaron56

    The question of forgiveness

    You're good, my friend. ;) I think the difference between your thoughts and my thoughts is that I believe the apostolic gift continues today as a grace within the Body and within men. There were only 12 Apostles of the Lamb but there were other apostles mentioned in scripture. Furthermore, in...
  18. Aaron56

    Dramatic, the end times will speedy up now.

    Christ, alone, is God's anointed.
  19. Aaron56

    The question of forgiveness

    "You sit over there and someone will speak to you shortly." The typical church experience is very much like our experience in a physician's waiting room. We go to the building where we are to obtain service then wait patiently in our seats until the expert arrives. After the expert talks we...