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  1. Noel25

    Is Starbucks a Good Place to Meet Single Women?

    I'm going to try to find a boyfriend at Starbucks.
  2. Noel25

    Flirting is Not a Sin, If You Do It Right

    I mean this in the nicest way possible but if any man said this to me, I would assume he's mentally disabled. I would be really nice to him but not interested romantically. And the last seems creepy to me.
  3. Noel25

    There's no "The One"

    Oh my goodness, are you my soul mate? haha just kidding! I know exactly how you feel. It sounds like a nightmare to be as well. I am too introverted for someone to be around me all the time.
  4. Noel25

    There's no "The One"

    Yeah I am very introverted. I need a lot of alone time to feel right. I'm glad you are happily married! God bless your marriage.
  5. Noel25

    There's no "The One"

    I agree brother. There is no "the one." That's just a fairy tale people like to tell themselves. I'm very pessimistic about relationships. I think maybe 1% of married people are happily married. From the people I know in real life, none of them are actually. So maybe it's a good thing to...
  6. Noel25

    Man or bear?

    It depends on how cute the guy is.
  7. Noel25

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Not for long!
  8. Noel25

    Last person to post wins!!!

    I'm the winner now, buddy! Also welcome to CC!
  9. Noel25

    Share Your Interests, Hobbies, Collections

    Very nice! It's good to see you on here, ZT! I am Molly and I came back under a new name lol.
  10. Noel25

    Single, Never Married, Without Child

    I'm 34 so I feel like I've definitely grown a lot since 22. I realized that I don't have to get married and have kids to be happy. At 22 I thought I was going to be married before I turned 25. By 34 I would have 3-5 kids already! lol I figured there was no other way I would be happy in life...
  11. Noel25

    How Often Does a Woman Expect a Man with a "Good Salary" to Actually Be Home?

    It's kind of a win win...he makes a lot of money and he spends less time at home! :ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:
  12. Noel25

    Fill in the Blank: "Without Coffee (or My Beverage/Routine of Choice,) I Am __________________________________."

    Without water (my bevy of choice) I am dead. :p I drink a lot of water. About 1.5 gallons a day. I like that I drink a lot of water because it's good for you, but it can be a little annoying when you're pretty much always thristy (and always needing to use the bathroom!) I don't have...
  13. Noel25

    So grateful for this C.C Platform 😊

    We are happy to have your here Sis!
  14. Noel25

    Do You As a Single Person Feel More Pressure to Get (or Stay) In Shape?

    I think the important thing is to find balance with this. We should try to be healthy, but we should also recognize that no one stays the same weight all throughout their life. It's normal for people to gain a little as they age. But I do think it's dangerous for people to gain too much...
  15. Noel25

    Uptick In Satanic Clothing

    I've noticed a rise on witch things at regular stores too like Walmart or TJ Maxx. I've seen tarot cards and voodoo dolls. It's shocking! They make them look cute and normal. I stay far away from all that junk.
  16. Noel25

    Is this normal?

    So lately I feel like I can't watch tv as much as I used to. I was watching an old episode of The Simpsons when Bart made a joke about people believing in a carpenter as their God. It definitely made me feel bad. Admittedly I finished the episode but now I don't really want to watch more of...
  17. Noel25

    When an 80-Year-Old Man Dies and Leaves Behind His 60-Year-Old Wife, Who Will Take Care of Her?

    I'm hispanic as you already know Seoul, and I thought it was funny that you said white guys who are 40-80 were the only ones interested in you. I have had that same experience! In my first job (I was 17) and there were many white men in their 40s (who were married with kids) who tried flirting...