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  1. A

    I also need some advice.

    Also let me add that I am as doting and caring as the next mom who waited five years for her first and only child. Because I have more of a stable, year round job, I am the one that splurges on the expensive toys and presents and big birthday parties. I am the one that loves to order the cute...
  2. A

    I also need some advice.

    I truly believe it's a bit of both the undermining as well as the guilty parenting. He is a very "old school" man when it comes to who is in charge in the house. It may have started as guilty parenting and then evolved into the former. Either way it's a problem simply because of the mixed...
  3. A

    I also need some advice.

    Indeed he quasi owns it. He is of the opinion that it's something he has a right to do and I should just look the other way. A bit of indulgence towards a child he loves and doesn't get to spend as much time as he would like with. The task now is getting him to see what the constant indulgence...
  4. A

    I also need some advice.

    Do you really think it calls for a divorce? Not that it hasn't crossed my mind at least once. I figured that's not a viable answer. Honestly, I have had my internal questions about if staying is in the best interest if our child. I sadly have no real answer in my heart to that. I am blind...
  5. A

    I also need some advice.

    Thank you for your advice. It might not come as a surprise to you that letting it go is easier said than done, but I am working on it for sure as far as I can. However,whether we like it or not the world we live in does require us to live up to timeliness, manners and other social and...
  6. A

    I also need some advice.

    I am trying all that I know to make my husband see reason: logic, tears ,and even anger. I am beginning to lose hope in his reasoning skills on this matter. I truly have hope in God only at this point and that I might be able to influence our child when he is away at work. I hope perhaps those...
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    I also need some advice.

    I think you are onto something. How very perceptive of you. I am just now remembering a recent incident in which we dropped our son off to school and he asked for money to buy the fruit popsicles the school sells daily for about 50 cents. I didn't have any change, so I said that I would buy them...
  8. A

    I also need some advice.

    My husband is not a believer. If anything he is convinced that most pastors are frauds. Family is also in short supply as we are both from small families with deceased parents. I also wondered about the true reason behind his actions, and I signed us up for free couples counseling offered by...
  9. A

    I also need some advice.

    I am unsure of how to handle a situation in my marriage. My husband and I share a toddler, a son, one that I prayed dearly to God for after years of marriage. We were finally blessed. Our son was born prematurely and has had some behavioral and developmental problems. But things are getting...
  10. A

    Hello, I am Ali

    Hello everyone. God's grace is sufficient.