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  1. Daniel_Hoseiny

    For the memory of saint Willibrord

    Saint Willibrord had a great desire, To turn the heathens from darkness unto Light. Christ’s faithful servant, Willibrord had travelled, From native England down to the Frisian lands From early childhood he desired, To know nothing but Christ alone. Being pious son of pious parents, He chose...
  2. Daniel_Hoseiny

    For the Holy Trinity

    I wrote this poem few years ago and yesterday I thought I can make it even better, but 5 minutes was enough for me to modify my message. I couldn't delete it either. So you can read the revised version of this poem by clicking on the following link for-the-holy-trinity-revised-version
  3. Daniel_Hoseiny

    Thanksgiving for the Law and deliverance

    To Him who led His people through the desert, Destroyed His proud enemies in sea, Conferred His blessings on the chosen people. To You be all my adoration, My praise, my love, my jubilation, My thanks, my song and admiration. You brought us out of damnation, Delivered us from condemnation, And...
  4. Daniel_Hoseiny

    For the Holy Trinity (revised version)

    Life is buried in the tomb, And risen up again in glory, To grant His Life to humankind, To snatch from hell the fallen Adam. The Son of God and Son of Man, He was betrayed for 30 coins, He humbly stood before the evil judges, And paid the prize of sins that we committed. He took our sentence...
  5. Daniel_Hoseiny

    For the Holy Trinity

    Life is buried in the tomb, And risen up again in glory, To grant His Life to humankind, To snatch from hell the fallen Adam. The Son of God and Son of Man, Betrayed for 30 silver coins, He humbly stood before the evil judge, To pay the prize of sins that we committed. He took our sentence in...
  6. Daniel_Hoseiny


    A demon on the day of the attempted murder of Mar Mari Emmanuel
  7. Daniel_Hoseiny

    The European Union.....Babylonian government?

    Dutch politician Thierry Baudet (Forum for democracy) speaks out against the existence of European Union from the political point of view.
  8. Daniel_Hoseiny


    @Eli1 I prefer to call myself Christian. And I am eastern-orthodox indeed. I would like to correct my first message here: Gay marriages were originally introduced in Netherlands for the first time, not in America. So I think Mar Mari Emmanuel is not always precise in his speech.
  9. Daniel_Hoseiny

    Christian music and movies

    A historical film by Vladimir Khotinenko, unveils a page of the Second World War history that is little known of - the Russian Pskov Orthodox mission, that had to survive in Pskov region after it had been occupied by German fascists. Times long gone, but there are still wars, and each of us...
  10. Daniel_Hoseiny

    Christian music and movies

    "The Island" is a 2006 Russian biographical film about a 20th century Eastern Orthodox monk. Pyotr Mamonov, who plays the lead character, formerly a rock musician in the USSR, converted to Eastern Orthodoxy in the 1990s and lives now in an isolated village. Film director Pavel Lungin said about...
  11. Daniel_Hoseiny

    Christian music and movies

    Orthodox Russian-Japanese film (thriller, drama). An Orthodox priest, Father Nikolay, the brother of a Yakuza boss, is drawn into in a mob war in Japan. He escapes to the small Russian village of Glubokoe, where he finds that war has found him again.
  12. Daniel_Hoseiny

    A Prayer for Enemies

    I translated this prayer-poem from Russian. It's also about love for the enemies. This poem "Prayer" was written by Sergey Bekhtejev in October 1917 (years of the bloody revolution and the seizure of power by the militant Marxist movement); it was originally dedicated to their Imperial...
  13. Daniel_Hoseiny

    This Is Jesus

    Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel has seen Jesus and knows how He looks like: 6.1 feet (1,80 meters), long tan skin face, browny crispy hair split in the middle from the top and it is long all the way to the shoulders, greenish stunning eyes. His name is Jesus.
  14. Daniel_Hoseiny

    Sex slavery

    No human has the right to enslave any other human. Who do you thing you are to say you are better than your brother? You are nothing! What the white Americans did to the black Americans was a shameful act. And any human that tries to enslave any other human, shame on them equally! For God never...
  15. Daniel_Hoseiny


    Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel thinks it is America. 'Whatever America kooks Australia, Europe and other nations eat. So they kook and we eat. America introduced same sex marriage, everybody introduced it. America has taken Bible out of schools and out of everywhere, everybody has done the same thing...
  16. Daniel_Hoseiny

    Is Israel an apatheid state?

    Contemporary humanistic culture or ideology of the West with its concept of human rights is based on the good commandments of Christ in the New Testament. So it is post-Christian civilization that is moving further and further away from its Christian source. Israel, on the other hand, maintains...
  17. Daniel_Hoseiny

    How to cast down wicked imaginations an thoughts

    The devil. I think he can read the superficial thoughts of your mind, but not your deepest thoughts or contemplations of the heart. Replace the bad intrusive thought with another good thought.
  18. Daniel_Hoseiny

    Why does God Allow suffering. I am a Christian and I read the Bible but sometimes I do not or understand the point. Especially constant suffering..

    9 years of suffering in the dungeon changed the drug dealer into a faithful Christian. True story told by Mari Mari Emmanuel.
  19. Daniel_Hoseiny

    The tree of knowledge of good and evil

    It's a literal tree of knowledge. Who is that tree? Me and you and every human being. We are that tree. There was also another tree in the center of the garden of Eden called the tree of Life. Who is that tree? Christ! God said: from the moment you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil...
  20. Daniel_Hoseiny

    Christianity and world religions

    The ultimate they (world religions) would have been able to achieve with the human race was changing a bad person into a good person. This is the ultimate these religious figures could have achieved - changing the bad person into a good person. The Lord Jesus did not come to change the bad...