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  1. C

    Hello, I am new

    Thank you everyone for your replies. You are all very kind.
  2. C

    Questions questions Questions

    I think it comes from the internet. The anonymity allows people to be their worst selves and it has created a culture where people get angry and mean online. There is an expectation of hostility. So when someone asks a question people immediately take it as hostile and react hostile in return. I...
  3. C


    God is kind and merciful. But we live in a broken world full of broken people. Everything that happens bad to us is a consequence of sin and a broken/fallen world. It is through God we find goodness and through Him we find peace. I have had mental illness for 18 years. I still proclaim God as...
  4. C

    Can I Be a Christian if I Occasionally Smoke Cigarettes

    If you couldn’t be a Christian and smoke then no one could be a Christian. Every single person on this earth sins and sins repeatedly. You are saved the moment you accept Jesus as your saviour. God’s will for us as Christian’s is to have fruitful lives, that is why there are instructions in the...
  5. C

    Hello, I am new

    I have a really messed up life at the moment and not a lot of independence. It would be nice to connect to others who share my faith.