Recent content by birdie

  1. B

    3 Reasons Jesus Did Not Go To Hell

    The context is actually the opposite. It is what Christ did once he was raised. He died in the flesh on the cross and then he was dead for 3 days and 3 nights and then he was resurrected. He was raised from the dead and gave his spirit to preach the good news. The actual context of the verse...
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    3 Reasons Jesus Did Not Go To Hell

    Those who have not been born again are spiritually dead and need to be quickened. They walk around in the flesh dead spiritually until they are made alive in Christ spiritually.
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    3 Reasons Jesus Did Not Go To Hell

    Thanks ewq1938. I appreciated your scripture Acts 2:31 about Jesus' soul was not left in hell, and Ephesians 4:9 about Jesus first going into the lower parts of the earth. Indeed, there is not an area of evil or torment that Jesus has not gotten victory over. He went all the way down...
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    3 Reasons Jesus Did Not Go To Hell

    Thanks Chaps for your interest in whether Jesus went to Hell or not. "For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison...
  5. B

    Agreement of "The Gospel"?

    Thanks for mentioning the good news. I see the entire Bible as being the good news. The spirit emphasizes various aspects of the good news, but these are not separate good newses or separate gospels. Anyway, it is good to point out the various aspects of the gospels as you have, showing various...
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    Were Nephilim (Gen 6) judged differently by God?

    Thanks Dreamdweller for your question. There are some misconceptions in popular views on this subject. Giants refers to humans, not creatures that were part of what people incorrectly presume angels to be and part human. We read in Genesis 6:4 about the sons of God coming in to the daughters of...
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    70 weeks of Dan 9.

    The significance of the number seven is seen in the sabbath, which is the seventh day. "But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work..." This is a picture of how God does all the work of saving his own, while we cannot do any work to save ourselves...
  8. B

    Are only those who are born-again saved?

    Thanks MerSee for your question. ""Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?" God gives people the ability to believe in Jesus. Before...
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    All Of Israel, Or Just A Remnant?

    Thanks for asking. "For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. " This verse tells us that part of Israel will be blind all the way...
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    All Of Israel, Or Just A Remnant?

    Thanks for sharing. However, the Bible does not mention a bunch of cultural Jews suddenly converting after the time of the Gentiles. In fact, Romans 11 tells us that the fullness of the Gentiles comes in, and that is it. Nothing mentioned after that. "For I would not, brethren, that ye should...
  11. B

    Who is Babylon in Revelation?

    Thanks for your question. Rev 18 calls Babylon that great city. This is the title of the holy Jerusalem as well in Rev 21. Some persons have probably already noticed this. But did you also know it is the title of Ninevah. The reason people have trouble with chapters like Rev 18 is that they...
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    All Of Israel, Or Just A Remnant?

    Thanks for your question. Romans 11 says that a part of the cultural Jews will be saved and a part of the Gentiles will be saved. All those who are saved are called spiritual Israel, both Jews and Gentiles. That is why Romans 11 says "And so all Israel shall be saved ". 'All Israel' here means...
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    Thanks for your question. The way to be baptized is simply to believe in Jesus unto salvation. God gives people the ability to believe the good news. 'Baptize' is a word that simply means to be washed. While physical water cannot wash a person free from the stain of sin, God word can. When you...
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    A tongue is simply a language. For example, Spanish is a tongue, English is a tongue and so forth. The Bible speaks about how people who are born again to believe in Christ, speak with new tongues. This does not mean that they babel in a different language, or even in some language other than...
  15. B

    Grace believer, stop adding to the Gospel

    Thanks montana123 for your discourse in which you make many good points. It looks like we differ slightly in how you view the 2 witnesses of Revelation 11. You write that God is sending 2 witnesses in the future. I view the 2 witnesses as a picture of the witnessing true believers give...