Recent content by crossnote

  1. crossnote

    Song of Moses

  2. crossnote

    Which pill for you?

    Do you have an example of ''an alternative fact'?
  3. crossnote

    Which pill for you?

    Not really, we’re dealing with those weak in faith rather than hypocrites.
  4. crossnote

    Which pill for you?

    Probably not, it would be like eating meat in front of a bunch of Vegans. (with Romans 14 in mind)
  5. crossnote

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Time. The foolish ones knew their time was up.
  6. crossnote

    Which pill for you?

    Never saw the movie or read the book (if there was one).
  7. crossnote

    Let's write a story ✍️

    Sounds like a serious case of gender confusion going on...Veronica... 'destined to be conformed to the image of his Son.'
  8. crossnote

    Let's write a story ✍️

    Bring ME back in living color (lol)
  9. crossnote

    Not By Works

    The verse that you wrote was ok, but it was missing the Book.
  10. crossnote

    Not By Works

    OUCH Joshua 5:2-6,8 NET At that time the LORD told Joshua, "Make flint knives and circumcise the Israelites once again." [3] So Joshua made flint knives and circumcised the Israelites at the Hill of the Foreskins. [4] This is why Joshua had to circumcise them: All the men old enough to fight...
  11. crossnote

    Not By Works

    You'll have to first explain which 5:24? Ezekiel chap 5 only goes to v.17. (That was the last book being referenced.)
  12. crossnote

    Not By Works

    Already been built? Could you then, please explain what is going on in Ezekiel chapters 40-48?
  13. crossnote

    Not By Works

    Thanks for your non-answer. Good-bye.
  14. crossnote

    Not By Works

    Ur is in Iraq. Instead of negating whatever I have said, why don't you give your explanation of what you believe a true Jew is?
  15. crossnote

    Not By Works

    You are playing word games. In Nazi Germany a so called 'Hebrew' was considered a Jew. 6 million would testify of this (if they could) The question isn't who or what were the Patriarch's of the faith, but 'who are the 'true Jews'?' We know the natural lineage of Abraham-Isaac-Jacob are Hebrew...