Recent content by Evmur

  1. Evmur

    The hatred of Jews

    do you realise how transparent you are?
  2. Evmur

    The hatred of Jews

    they coulda cleansed Gaza any time they ever wanted to these last 30 years. Do you ever wonder why Hamas does not arm the people of Gaza?
  3. Evmur

    The hatred of Jews

    They read Ezekiel, Isaiah and Zedekiah and they read like today's newspaper
  4. Evmur

    The hatred of Jews

    who invited Hamas into Gaza? who voted them into government? did they know what Hamas overiding policy is concerning genocide of the Jews? do they have the same policy? These people are guilty.
  5. Evmur

    hello Lisa, nice to meet you. From Gloucester the birthplace of George Whitefield. :)

    hello Lisa, nice to meet you. From Gloucester the birthplace of George Whitefield. :)
  6. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    What you fail to understand is 1st It was the seed of Isaac, not Ishmael, who delivered up our Lord to be crucified. The children of the promise, they are an elect people. Election does not depend upon what we do whether we do right or wrong. It depends upon God's sovereign will only. Their...
  7. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    ... shall destroy the city and the sanctuary [not the Jews] we know the temple was destroyed as Jesus had foretold. The Jews were not destroyed they were scattered as prophesied "I will smite the Shepherd and scatter the sheep" Daniel doesn't end in the 9th chapter. Daniel 11. 40 AT he time...
  8. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    Christ's death is sufficient to save everybody but it is not designed to do so, it is so designed to repel the wicked proud and is made attractive to whom He will save even against their will [for we did all at one time look the other way] What we are in dispute about is whether God ever...
  9. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    Jesus did not say the first will be damned and the last be first. He said the first will be last and the last first. That is to enter the kingdom ... they still enter. And if the Jews were first but were chucked to the back of the line, and the church has now become first and Israel now last...
  10. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    I am not hyper grace, nor hyper dispensationalism, nor am I one who believes in universal salvation. YOU are the only hyper here, hyper Calvin, Strict and Particular. Do not I pray you become a hyper viper.
  11. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    you can cut that trollop all you like my faith has stood for more than 45 years through many trials and tribulations. I stand by God's grace only. Did you read what Jesus did with His sheep in order to search for His lost one? He parked them in the wilderness.
  12. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    The bride has 10 attendants, five of whom are wise. The bride is not her attendants. Chaos is exactly what Jesus and all the prophets foretold, Jerusalem will be a rock of contention under which the nations will reel and stagger. You betcha there is ww3 acoming. It's all in the prophets...
  13. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    you can't get out of this, will you acknowledge God's word or your own idol? The covenant God made with Abraham was conditional upon grace only, the dispensation of the law was temporary and whether they were blest or cursed was conditional God's new covenant is with the house of Israel, not the...
  14. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    You are arguing against yourself and everything you believe in. The covenant God made with Abraham and his seed "of your own loins" is an everlasting covenant, if their covenant cannot be trusted then neither can the contract you have with God. If their election is not irrevocable then neither...
  15. Evmur

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    " Paul's lifetime" is nonsense and misses the case altogether for by Israel transgression was brought about the eternal sacrifice which has brought about salvation for all generations. The Jews are a UNIQUE people, nobody looks like them, nobody sounds like them and nobody thinks like...