Recent content by iraasuup

  1. iraasuup

    Why am i being watched?

    I'm so confused by this post.
  2. iraasuup


    Okay, this is a very easy question. I'm sure I've heard the topic come up before but would like to hear your thoughts anyway (particularly from guys) haha. This stems from a conversation I had with a friend recently, who is in a bit a predicament. Should a girl tell a guy she likes him? I'm...
  3. iraasuup


    I'm just curious. I have a really big decision to make, and I'm really seeking God for direction and clarity to make the right choice. I've never fasted before and am curious to hear from anyone who has. Where do I find biblical references to fasting? Is a fast from something other than food...
  4. iraasuup

    UK - A Godless, crooked, & perverse society

    Actually, I think this one is more accurate:
  5. iraasuup

    REALLY getting to know someone...and the long distance thing too.

    So my question is how do you really 'get to know' somebody? I mean I've had experiences in the past where I thought I've known this guy only to find out he's the total opposite of who he claimed to be...but anyway that's another story. I guess this question arose from a conversation I had with...
  6. iraasuup

    Something that bamboozles me...

    Okay, I'm heading to the US in less than a week (eep) and I'm confused about the whole tipping thing. Can anybody please explain the process in very simple terms for me? ie: When you tip at a restaurant is there a minimum percentage? Does this take into account service and quality of food (the...
  7. iraasuup

    A random post about nothing...

    This has nothing to do with anything, but I picked up some foreign currency today. for my trip next week, and I just wanted to say Canada has the COOLEST money I've ever seen. :)
  8. iraasuup

    Okay this is weird but...

    Why is it that in these forums (and ONLY in these forums) I cannot hit 'enter' to start a new line. If I want to write a post, with paragraphs, I have to type it in a word document first, then paste it in here. Which, quite honestly, is altogether too much bother for me. I can't work it out, is...
  9. iraasuup

    Rebuilding the trust

    How do you learn to trust again, after being so terribly hurt in a failed relationship? When you trusted someone, and all they did was lie to you, how do you ever trust anyone again? This is my biggest fear- letting go and trusting again, because I never want to experience such pain again! Any...
  10. iraasuup

    Overpriced dresses and the battle of responsibility!

    So, I went out for coffee/shopping with a friend this morning and she took me to one of her favourite boutiques. I was in dress heaven. You have to understand, being 6ft tall it's not easy to find a dress that fits well, and also meets all my modest dress code requirements. So anyway, I try on a...