Reactions received by Luke233

  • GRACE_ambassador
    GRACE_ambassador reacted Friendly to Luke233's post in the thread Real faith.
    God loves it when we pray, aka, talk to HIM, and is even more pleased as we read HIS love letter to us and attempt to understand HIM and...
  • T
    That is excellent motivation for giving, and you and your friend should be applauded, but I hope that your heart is more touched by...
  • GRACE_ambassador
    GRACE_ambassador reacted Friendly to Luke233's comment on GRACE_ambassador's profile post
    Thank for the gesture.....I was an undisciplined wild child, son of an alcoholic father and drug using mother.....after I was saved, I...
  • Aaron56
    Aaron56 reacted Friendly to Luke233's post in the thread The sower.
    That is an awesome way to approach it, from what it is, a Biblical war that has been prophesized for centuries. to simplify it --...