Recent content by Luke233

  1. L

    The sower

    That is an awesome way to approach it, from what it is, a Biblical war that has been prophesized for centuries. to simplify it -- descendants of Ishmael vs descendants of Isaac, if you will Abraham is known as the patriarch of the Israelite people through Isaac, the son born to him and Sarah...
  2. L


    there is no best way to be baptized, that is a foolish question, and you know this. water, a man of God to dunk you, and you -- best way ever
  3. L

    The sower

    “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 In my Bible study group, it is hard to keep politics out. When I used to teach Sunday school, the class would get...
  4. L

    The sower

    "Partly this is because of my former military career. However, I have to watch myself as I realise that it is possible to become obsessed with worldly events. Part of the problem is that there is so much misinformation. Satan controls the world and he knows how to create division. Christians...
  5. L

    History and true history and authority of scripture and Christendom.

    If you write butcher shop questions, you will get what you produced --- mincemeat answers that lead to nothing.
  6. L

    History and true history and authority of scripture and Christendom.

    Do you mean the physical church hierarchy of Bishops and Popes or do you mean the church as in the "body of the church", that is us, Christians who make up the church
  7. L

    History and true history and authority of scripture and Christendom.

    as well as priests and educated ministers -- what is the difference between a priest and an educated minister? do reverends count? how about a pastor? how about a female with a Phd in Old Testament Theology? would she know?
  8. L

    History and true history and authority of scripture and Christendom.

    When was the Bible actually written? Starting around the 7th century B.C., different groups, or schools, of authors wrote them down at different times, before they were at some point (probably during the first century B.C.) combined into the single, multi-layered work we know today. Are you...
  9. L

    History and true history and authority of scripture and Christendom.

    What truly makes the Bible authoritative and the word of God? HE wrote it through the hands of man. There is no other answer. not sure what you infer by "truly"? as opposed to the untrue word of God
  10. L

    History and true history and authority of scripture and Christendom.

    Is it true that all Protestant Religions are fathered by the Catholic Church? there is only one Protestant religion -- Protestant. Do you mean Protestant denominations???? if you can't phrase the question correctly, how are we to answer?
  11. L

    History and true history and authority of scripture and Christendom.

    OK, my friend, you have 11 questions, if I counted right, all dealing with subjects what would take Phd Thesis type answers from a Theological Seminary. Seriously. Why did the crusades happen? Which crusade? Under whose rule? There were multiple crusades by multiple Christians....could you...
  12. L

    How did Peter walk on water

    Thank you for replying with a mature, educated answer, and not invoking the power of a superhero. GEEZ!!!
  13. L

    How did Peter walk on water

    Jesus is not Superman, take your junior high jokes elsewhere. Let me guess, you have seen all the Avengers movies. Am I right???
  14. L

    How did Peter walk on water
