Recent content by niamh04

  1. N

    Teen modesty....

    I love this!
  2. N

    Random game.

    Theatre? I'll go with actor then Yessss! Got to unite with the jedi!;) I'm sure you can see where she got her name...:ROFL:
  3. N

    Teen modesty....

    To tell you the truth, most of my clothes are second hand- so much better for the environment (and my bank account :LOL:) I do need to keep an eye out, can't wait until they open again here! Funny how much I've learnt here about religion and all, but also second hand shopping ;) Can't wait to...
  4. N

    Random game.

    Ahhhh I see from @Godsgirl83 that @BlessedByGod is a Star Wars fan... It may interest BBG that I have a guinea pig called Chewbacca:eek:;) OK where were we lol?! I'll say camera
  5. N

    Speak Your Mind.

    Never denying the donut and coffee knurd bit :LOL::ROFL: Honestly though, so glad I have found so many great people!
  6. N

    Random game.

    Mouth (That brought back so many memories woahhhh)
  7. N

    Teen modesty....

    To tell you the truth, most of my clothes are second hand- so much better for the environment (and my bank account :LOL:) I do need to keep an eye out, can't wait until they open again here! Funny how much I've learnt here about religion and all, but also second hand shopping ;) Can't wait to...
  8. N

    Hello from Scotland!

    Haha! I shall get suited up and then enter :ROFL:
  9. N

    Random game.

    Massive! (and you are most welcome :ROFL:)
  10. N

    Teen modesty....

    They are so cute! The boots :love: Definitely need to get more of clothes like these!:D
  11. N

    Teen modesty....

    Hey Magenta! That is super helpful- thanks so much for clarifying! I wasn't sure where people stood on this one, so wanted to check just to be safe! Also didn't want to be unnecessarily channeling Maria from the Sound of Music vibes , so thank you for clarifying :LOL::)
  12. N

    Random game.

    polar bears (on a side note, you win with the gif :ROFL:)
  13. N

    Hello from Scotland!

    Never even thought of it that way! I'm so glad I stumbled across this site to get different perspectives! :) Haha! I'm about to venture into the Bible discussion- wish me luck! :ROFL::LOL:
  14. N

    Hello from Scotland!

    And I'm so glad I have one now! :) That's really helpful to know I can mention people too! I'd love to share! It's funny, sometimes things which I think are completely normal, others find strange! So for example, there is a Saturday market where people can buy cheese and produce off local...