Recent content by Susanna

  1. Susanna

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    No, he isn’t, and it’s telling that the Democratic Party doesn’t put a stop to it.
  2. Susanna

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    I think you should elaborate on this one too.
  3. Susanna

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    I’m not well versed in jurisprudence or whatever it is, so could you please elaborate?
  4. Susanna

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Top tier politicians maybe have an ego bigger than we can imagine. That goes for most presidents. Perhaps with an exception for Jimmy Carter.
  5. Susanna

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    The problem is our political system. It’s a highway to polarization. How else could these two clowns be the candidates?
  6. Susanna

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Whataboutism is an acceptable form of protest.
  7. Susanna

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    We need two new candidates for the upcoming. These two we have now should be in geriatric care.
  8. Susanna

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Looks like people feel strongly about a citizen being brought to justice for a felony.
  9. Susanna

    Christian Men -- Would You Marry a Woman Who's Kissed 50 Different Men?

    Yeah, coffee never really leads to kissing…unless it’s an early morning and sunny…lol
  10. Susanna

    The hatred of Jews

    Sure, if you’re jumping to conclusions.
  11. Susanna

    How Often Do You Wash Your Hair?

    Not washing your hair for ages is one thing, but the male part of a naval vessel has another thing they don’t ever wash which is ewww…lol.
  12. Susanna

    The hatred of Jews

    I can’t brag about any doctorate or anything else from the intellectual world, but I’ve been a soldier fighting in the Middle East, against Hezbollah and other religiously motivated groups, where at least Iran has had a finger in the pie. People outside of that scenario are welcome to discuss...