Recent content by Zandar

  1. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    The Ivory Coast Methodist have dropped out of the United Methodist. !.1 million. 1/10 of the organization. Thats on top of the 1/4 that split off in North America.
  2. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    Every generation there is a movement for God and against God.
  3. Zandar

    Occult stuff.

    True. I'm going to say its better not to watch most television shows as well. At most they are a waste of time. The first video just describes how we have made sports into idol worship and its a worldly event. The second video was about the Jewish heritage celebration where an event/play was...
  4. Zandar


    Ive seen a e trike riding around a small town near me. It had a basket for groceries. Pretty nice.
  5. Zandar

    Occult stuff.

    True. Very true.
  6. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    She also says Jesus was like you and I, He didn't have this life figured out. RRReeEaaAALLLYYYY?!!!!! What is she smoking?
  7. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    The woman in the video says she wants to break down the pedestal we have put Jesus on and wants to stop using the word kingdom in the bible because king is masculine. This is beyond anything I thought would happen to the United Methodist. They have absolutely lost their minds.
  8. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

  9. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    Its even worse than I thought.
  10. Zandar

    What could the elite be meaning by blinding the right eye?

    Its symbolism for someone that hasn't been a good shepherd so they were punished for it. Shows up in a lot of movies.
  11. Zandar


    Ive used my wifes old walmart bike like a wheelbarrel by sitting stuff on the seat and just pushing it
  12. Zandar
