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  1. brighthouse98

    Want to know what you think!

    2 Weeks ago, at my tender age of 70 I have 16 teeth removed I sure waited as long as I could with my real teeth to go, it took me about a week to recover fully from the pain, they gave me false ones to replace my real teeth, and I hate them!! Jesus never had false teeth!! Nor did any of his...
  2. brighthouse98

    I laughed so hard at this!!!

    A Man through some 30 years of marriage wrote this poem to his wife!! Here goes!! " I love you and your charming face, your wit, and your maturity. But Most of all I love you for your check from Social Security!!!" LOLLL
  3. brighthouse98

    It's now Official.

    Donald Trump will NOT be on the Fox Debate!
  4. brighthouse98

    I had a Dream from the Lord last Night..!

    Last time this happened he showed me Donald Trump would win over a month before he did! Aug 8th!!! Remember that day!! I saw in my dream that Joe Biden would announce that he would not run again for President of this United States!! We will see!!!
  5. brighthouse98

    A little humor

    One day a hunter who has had no luck hunting, hunts for duck, finally after several hours he finds one a shoot's it, the duck falls on a barn then onto the ground, the man goes after the duck, the farmer says hold on their pal!! You on my property, the hunter says sorry sir I shot this duck...
  6. brighthouse98

    Why did Jesus Pray??

    John 17:1-12 Jesus is all knowing, he is God in the flesh, so why do you think he ever prayed??? I would enjoy some feedback as to why you believe he prayed. I know why we pray!!! LOL Do you think he just did this as an example to us? This question came to me in prayer the other night, and to be...
  7. brighthouse98

    Tucker Carlson has been removed from Fox News!!!

    Unbelievable but sadly true!
  8. brighthouse98

    Russia launched a missle into Poland killing 2!!!

    Oh dear, is war that near???
  9. brighthouse98

    Can one man save the World

    5 for fighting has just put out a new video in Ukraine with what is left of the Ukraine orchestra. Mr. President, we have given billions of dollars to keep the War going there. Let's give them what they need to stop the terrible slaughter of humanity!! DO IT NOW!!! Hope you all enjoy this very...
  10. brighthouse98

    When Jesus might just arrive!

    Hope you all enjoy a story; Jesus could arrive if something like this occurs. Comrade are losing all in Ukraine, They are just to tough to fight. Very well launch 2 500 megaton nukes upon a city. Meanwhile at the White House! Mr. President Russia is fueling some birds to launch at Ukraine...
  11. brighthouse98

    Another reason possible for Putin going into the Ukraine

    Sometimes in prayer I get a red flash screen across my mind,much like you all see on T.V. during a weather alert or etc... This morning in prayer this flashed. "Prime Minister Putin has cancer and is dying,hence why he is also doing this. That was it brothers and sisters. Never even thought of...
  12. brighthouse98

    Gird your Loins

    Job 38:3 Even as God himself corrected Job of his sin( Job 34:34-37) Most never see this scripture,so it is with God's people now on earth. Do not depart from the faith!! I have been in great pain over the past 3 days,and in prayer I wondered why? Here is what the Holy Spirit related to me I...
  13. brighthouse98

    To all the people affected by these terrible Tornado's

    Some have lost everything, 8000 power lines down and some have no water! Know this!! WE LOVE YOU!!! Your courage will help many who think they have it bad. Stay strong,I lived in Kentucky for many years,I loved the people there,straight forward in there speech,and there word was indeed there...
  14. brighthouse98

    I got in trouble at school today!

    Sometimes children will say the wildest things!! My friend son John went to school today he is 10 years old,the teacher asked Karen what do we get from chickens?? She said eggs,the teacher said that is correct, Bob, what do we get from pigs?? Bob said bacon,the teacher said that is correct,then...
  15. brighthouse98

    Things to Come

    ( Luke 21:20-24) At Present B.B. could be removed as Prime Minister to Israel and those Gentiles who would remove him( Unbelievers) have seduced many to go farther left! I am not a doom and gloom kind of believer,but when you see a large storm on the horizon you have the common sense enough to...
  16. brighthouse98


    I was asked the other day what would you want written on your tombstone? I answered, just put a parking meter on me which says expired! LOL
  17. brighthouse98

    The Way of Escape

    Our lives brothers and sisters is far from easy! Day after day we behold the reality of both the world as it is and our self as we are. For many of us we do know God's Word.( 1 Cor 10:13) We know what we wish to confess to our selfs,and we really wish to believe!!( mark 9:23-24) What got in my...
  18. brighthouse98

    A very deep look into the proof of Kingdom Life!

    First I wish to thank many of you who have witnessed my testimony! It is Wednesday May 16th, and over the past 4 days the Lord has impressed some things for me to consider about the Kingdom life. And now I believe he wishes for me to share this with my brothers and sisters to also consider. So...
  19. brighthouse98

    hi Robo

    I am getting a 5100 error and cannot load your new app. Just to let you know.
  20. brighthouse98

    Testimony part 2

    Psalm 40:1-3 My view on darkness. When one dwells within the passage way of darkness, one is very light, for one is in a freefall.Thought darkness is very black,it is also very light in how it attaches itself,but like a snake, it wraps around tighter, and chokes the life force outward, as it...