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  1. Evmur

    Dramatic, the end times will speedy up now.

    Spain, Ireland and Norway have voted to recognise a Palestinian state. You can be sure others will follow, perhaps Britain, perhaps Biden's USA. In our Lord's Olivetti speech He says "you will hear of wars and rumours of war but the end is not yet, these are just the beginnings of sorrows" then...
  2. Evmur

    Coming nuclear war Ezekiel 36- 39

  3. Evmur

    God will not have the Abrahamic accord.

    It is my opinion that this is what lost Trumpy [love him though I do] the Whitehouse and will lose him the 2024 election. God will have no truc with Mohamed. Never. This was the brainchild of Trump's son in law.
  4. Evmur

    Martyrdom to come

    We saw in the 6th chapter of the Revelation under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne and these cried out to God for justice, for their blood to be avenged. They were given white robes to wear and told to rest a little longer...
  5. Evmur

    C. H. Spurgeon fake conversion

  6. Evmur

    If I was a prophet ....

    The church seems to be awash with prophets and prophetesses all prophesying wonderful things concerning the church in the end times. Magnificent she will be, glorious, bedecked with majesty, all powerful she is ready to seize the reins of power. All around her as earthly rule and power fail she...
  7. Evmur

    The Glasgow razor boy and eternal security

    I have been thinking, I don't crow very much online, when folks start sharing "stories" it can get out of control. But I've seen some things, I've been in revivals, I never got revived, I was baptised in the Holy Ghost from the getgo. But thinking about another thread on the eternal security of...
  8. Evmur

    Joseph Prince on Hebrews ch. 10.

    I have been a student of C.H.Spurgeon for 46 years now [that's something isn't it] fervent. I have read many volumes of his sermons and read all of his other thological books. He has been my virtual Pastor. Pastor Joseph Prince is in the same mould as Spurgeon, a little less flowery in his...
  9. Evmur

    Anne Frank's chestnut tree.

    I wrote this little poem after reading Anne's diary entry for February 26 1944. Anne Frank's chestnut tree * This my chosen spot I may lay me down gaze can only upward be filled anew with hope which grew upon my chestnut tree tomorrow I am free * No clouds in my sky nor shadow troub'ling me...
  10. Evmur

    "I ask then why do people say Israel must go through the Tribulation?" Jeremiah 30.6. paraphrased.

    Sometimes our eyes just pass over massive statements of doctrine in the bible. Jeremiah 30 makes it startlingly clear who will and who will not go through the Great Tribulation. Jeremiah. 30.4-6 These are the words which the Lord spoke concerning Israel and Judah "thus says the Lord we have...
  11. Evmur

    Go ye into all the world and announce the MILLENNIUM to every creature

    Why is nobody preaching it? why is it treated as a mere peripheral teaching in the church. It is the very heart and core of what Jesus told us to preach. We preach Heaven and that's good but nobody really understands what Heaven will be. Heaven ON EARTH ah! that's different, that's something...
  12. Evmur

    What Amillennialism has done to the gospel

    This is a beautiful whole piece of beef topside [I am a butcher by trade] This is that lovely lump of beef cut into it's 3 parts and fatted up ready to roast. You have the corner cut, the centre cut and the end cut. Looking at the whole topside before it is cut into 3 imagine if somebody...
  13. Evmur

    The time of Jacob's trouble

    We know that it is the Great Tribulation but it is also an actual event in Jacob's life, it is the time when he was fleeing the wrath of Laban who he had [with God's help] despoiled of much wealth, Jacob was headed home straight into the arms of Esau who for all he knew was going to skin him...
  14. Evmur


    I miss her and hope she is well.
  15. Evmur

    Winston Churchill Speech

  16. Evmur

    Merry Christmas everybody and a happy New year.

    ....May the peace and Joy and prosperity of the Lord be your lot with thanksgiving.
  17. Evmur

    'slong as the church clings to human freewill she will remain backslidden

    It is a false doctrine. False doctrines equate to the idols that the Jews worshipped rather than God, often they worshipped God while still clinging to their idols, we see many examples of revival in the OT, God would raise up a prophet or a good king who would clear the land of idolatory and...
  18. Evmur

    If Dem elections are rigged Republicans can kiss their butts goodbye

    There is no evidence, of COURSE there isn't but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck bro then it probably is a duck. Republican will never get in again.
  19. Evmur

    The killer flaw in pre-tribulation rapture doctrine

    They all say about the same thing, Jesus will come and gather His church and in the ensuing chaos Antichrist [the Beast] will come forward and force everyone to receive his mark or die, this is the great tribulation. But there is a killer flaw here. The beast has been slain in the temple when...
  20. Evmur

    Queen Elizabeth 2 has died

    The Queen passed peacefully away at Balmoral this afternoon.