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  1. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0

    Jeremiah 16 14 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more be said, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; 15 But, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands...
  2. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0

    With Jeremiah 16 in mind, I thought this one was worth posting up:
  3. FRB72

    Red Heifer

    I think Passover was the earliest opportunity to sacrifice them - the may well be looking to do it at a date and time where there is less heat and attention and probably record the event. Dare I say “no man knows the day or the hour”, though I don’t think this event automatically links to the...
  4. FRB72

    Should a Christian watch stand-up comedy

    This channel is actually really good (and often hilarious!) Dry Bar Comedy;
  5. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0
  6. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0
  7. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0

  8. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0

    Israel sees surge in immigration interest from US and France since Oct. 7
  9. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0

    If their plans fail through the proxies, with global economic control within the reach of their fingertips, it no longer seems like a stretch to see how the setup for the events of Ezekiel 38 and 39 are on the horizon.
  10. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0

  11. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0

    Susan Sarandon is dumped by Hollywood agent UTA after sparking outrage by saying frightened Jews are getting a 'taste of how it feels to be Muslim in America'...
  12. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0

  13. FRB72

    the reincarnation

    Reincarnation is simply a demonically inspired myth to lull people gently into Hell,
  14. FRB72

    the reincarnation

    E.g. 28Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her. 29Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. 30For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God...
  15. FRB72

    the reincarnation

    Do you mean “in the resurrection”?
  16. FRB72

    Israel Declares War

  17. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0

    How can Israel make peace with surrounding hostile actors that simply want them dead? I watched an interesting clip earlier where Piers Morgan was discussing this with a pro-Palestinian man, and also the words of a pastor looking at the wider prophetic landscape…
  18. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0

  19. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0

    Two interesting questions… On the “two-state solution”, is there a Biblical encouragement to divide Israel with neighbouring nations? Secondly, do the events of end-time prophecy indicate that peace will always be an option for Israel? If not, what circumstances would necessitate armed conflict?
  20. FRB72

    Kristallnacht 2:0

    A “problem, reaction, solution” approach to the present Middle East tensions would propel the individual who successfully fulfilled Daniel 9:27 into global fame and acclamation. I used to think that nobody would fall for this, then I saw how many have fell for the pro-Palestine marches. My...