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  1. MikeIsraelite72

    “Neither Jew nor Greek”

    Neither Jew nor Greek” never was to be understood as Jew nor non-Jew and yet most believers are repeating this concept because their pastors are teaching it this way. Did you know that by the time of Jesus’ ministry it was common knowledge that the Greeks were in fact ancient Israelites? This...
  2. MikeIsraelite72

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    just to address Romans 7:3 Paul is making the statement regarding adultery in the context of Yahweh God and the children of Israel, Pauls whole ministry was to take the gospel to the Israelites that were scattered along the nations. Romans 7:3 is alluding to Yahweh divorcing the children of...
  3. MikeIsraelite72

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    when “the law” is used in the new testament by paul he is always referring to the rituals of the Levitical law, the baptising of jesus was an example of Him fulfilling the law as the high priests had to wash themselves thoroughly before entering the temple. Jesus became the last one and only...
  4. MikeIsraelite72

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    i agree that the churches of today are 95% apostate which is soo sad but what turns my stomach even more is that 95% of todays christians don’t even read Gods word, as a result christians are raised on anti biblical doctrines which are built upon cherry picked verses without any context. the...
  5. MikeIsraelite72

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    i just really hope that Trump is supporting Israel in jest for optics and votes
  6. MikeIsraelite72

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Replying to the OP…. firstly, i don’t understand how we watched the 2020 election be stolen with little to no pushback, we did receive pieces of evidence over the last 4 years from various states proving fraud yet no real investigation and here comes 2024, i just don’t understand why we have to...
  7. MikeIsraelite72

    Can the nonelect ever be born-again? (2 Kings 22:27) With the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted.

    i’m trying to figure out what you mean when you say a “new israel” because the first thing that comes to my mind is that you’re insinuating that God pulled an end around on Abraham when he made the promises to him. Anrahsm offered Isaac on that alter in faith that his seed, sperm from his loins...
  8. MikeIsraelite72

    Can the nonelect ever be born-again? (2 Kings 22:27) With the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted.

    you are correct citing the bill of divorcement which affirms israels failure in keeping the covenant but by the grace of God there was hope that was spoken by Hosea and affirmed by paul that Israel would be reconciled back to YHWH through the blood of jesus christ and being resurrected he is the...
  9. MikeIsraelite72

    Can the nonelect ever be born-again? (2 Kings 22:27) With the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted.

    there is no “born again”, it is “born from above” and not everybody on this earth is “born from above” you ignored the scripture i cited that it was understood between the disciples that esau and his offspring were hated from the womb, you ignored that although esau saught repentence in tears he...
  10. MikeIsraelite72

    Can the nonelect ever be born-again? (2 Kings 22:27) With the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted.

    The same “people” described as his sheep and his elect all throughout the prophets are the same people in the new testament, their is no spiritual seed or spiritual Israel. the ministry of Jesus and those of his disciples was to tell the scattered israelites, the offspring of the 12 tribes of...
  11. MikeIsraelite72

    Can the nonelect ever be born-again? (2 Kings 22:27) With the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted.

    i don’t deny that ishmael as well as esau were given blessing as well but their destinies differ from Jacob, the seed that sprang from Jacob are the children of promise, these are those that God “elected” and these are those that are spoken of by all the prophets, those that came from the seed...
  12. MikeIsraelite72

    Can the nonelect ever be born-again? (2 Kings 22:27) With the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted.

    i originally wanted to reply regarding the usage of “born again” which is a mistranslation, the greek ἄνωθεν anothen “from above.” The word is formed from ἄνω “above” + -θεν, a suffix denoting origin of motion from a locality, hence “from above.” this concept is why Jesus challenged nicodemus’...
  13. MikeIsraelite72

    Ephesians 6:12 & KJV Deception

    honestly… i don’t think the brethren are studying scripture diligently… the apostles of old could recite the scripture by memory as they didn’t have access to bibles like we do but most of us cannot say the same, myself included… how many of us are taking the scripture back to its hebrew and...
  14. MikeIsraelite72

    Ephesians 6:12 & KJV Deception

    Satan has been deceiving the Elect for centuries through the mistranslations of Gods word and by the twisting of doctrines. Take a look at this famous, oft quoted verse from the kjv Ephesians 6:12 KJV ”For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers...
  15. MikeIsraelite72

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR

    Correct 😉 Paul differentiated between the seed that came through jacob, the seed of promise who are the children of israel, the vessels of mercy and the children of esau who were the edomites that christ singled out as the race of vipers who the blood of all the prophets from righteous abel to...
  16. MikeIsraelite72

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR

    gentile is a mistranslation from the greek ethnos which is translated nations what is curious to mention about the word gentile is that it comes from the latin gentilis gentilis -of the same house or family/tribe or race The Latin Vulgate was a late 4th century latin translation of the bible...
  17. MikeIsraelite72

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR

    i accidentally hit the post button 🤦 and i wasnt finished… i know i only responded to the very end of your post but i am going to respond to all the points you made as soon as i can.. what i was trying to convey is that Paul took the gospel to the Israelites who became the many nations promised...
  18. MikeIsraelite72

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR

    im let me start with this: 25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. "Fulness of the Gentiles" is a future event that hasn't...
  19. MikeIsraelite72

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR

    i’m going to respond, i need to grab some scripture first 😉