New profile posts

Hope this finds you well and happy, young sister.
Hi New! Me too. Just wondering why you don't currently attend church???
@JJGS : My wife and I haven't been able to find a Church that really suits us.

I hope it is okay if I post the information here rather than on the thread.

This person gets to the important points at about 13:05 the Rothschilds and Oxford University Press. Unfortunately his Substack where he has the links is members only with a fee.
I like the he shows the actual book with the text as proof.

I have other sources, I will be back :-)
God simply just loves us all. Otherwise God would not have gone to the cross willingly at all "God just loves us y'all"
ty ty
That day will happen when Jesus returns. That event will be the final note in the unfinished scale of history. It will be the day when all the wrongs are made right, all our sadness turns to joy, and our faith is made sight.
