what we think of gays...

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Jesus said in Luke 24 that REPENTANCE and remission of sins should be preached. A person will not repent of his sin unless he is convinced it is wrong. He cannot be saved unless he does repent.


it doesnt state anywhere in the bible that homosexuality is right.
you have the right outlook, but i have been around homosexuals
all my life. when i was growing up, my moms best friend was gay.
i work with gays, and they are people just like us.
im NOT saying that their lifestyle is correct, because its far from it.
when i was about 14, i struggled with my sexual preference
so i know how it feels to be shunned away and judged by people
who i thought were my friends and who i thought were christians.

but either way, we still need to love them. just like we need to love
drug dealers, prostitutes, cheaters, liars, drunkards, ect.
dont accept their lifestyle, but accept them as a person
and look at what all they have been through to be how they are now
and show them the light and love of jesus, just like he did in his day.

i KNOW that being homosexual isnt of god. i wouldnt vote for
gay rights, because in my heart i know that it isnt right.

i apologize for comparing blacks to homosexuals, i wasnt saying
that being black was horrible, what i was TRYING to get at was
the way we treated them was horrible.


IN OLD testament theyre was death penalties cus there wasnt a saviour u see. NOW Jesus has died 4 our sins we no longer need death penalty cus he paid for them sins


bible is CLEAR that its wrong. Love the gay but hate the sin thats what bible says.
Jan 31, 2009
I've never heard a preacher preach in favor of all those. I think this whole 'they preach against homosexuality but not everything else' is just a myth created by those who want to justify homosexuality or go easy on it.
Let a homosexual couple come into A Church , and let a couple within the church be in a adultery relationship, see which one gets preached to. this is what i was saying about we let all others run rampant , in the church , a news story just broke tonight in my area where a 29 year old youth pastor was caught with a 14 year old, they don't know know how long they had been having sex, now I am not saying lighten up on preaching against homosexual the sin, but bear down on all sin. lets try this on for size, see if we can preach this in the Chruches along with it is wrong to do homosexual activity as well as hating someone. or talking about someone. Whoa preacher we can't preach against hatred and backbiting or adultery or even on having sex before marriage, or shacking up with your boyfreind or girlfriend we will run all the money off. we won't have anyone left to preach to. I know a preacher that found out the piano player for the church was living with her boyfrind out of wedlock, he told her he could not use her anymore as the piano player. He was forced to resign.

Ga 5:19Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,Ga 5:20Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,Ga 5:21Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.Ga 5:22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,Ga 5:23Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.Ga 5:24And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.Ga 5:25If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

1jo 4:7Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.1jo 4:8He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.


I've never heard a preacher preach in favor of all those. I think this whole 'they preach against homosexuality but not everything else' is just a myth created by those who want to justify homosexuality or go easy on it.
uhhh...not really...
Just because you have never heard of it, does not make it less true.


I don't think people should come on a Christian site and try to say you're born gay or it's not a choice because obviously no one here is going to accept that. Regardless of scripture, it's anatomically incorrect and goes against the natural function of the human body. If gay sex is so natural then why is anal sex not a reccommended practice? I watched a documentary on prostitution and a lot of them were engaging in anal sex and it had such an effect on their anus that they are now faecally incontinent and cannot hold it in. They have to wear pads. As with any sexual perversion, they are consequences to be had. Being homosexual is all about sex and defiling the body. It has nothing to do with love which is why I think so many people support homosexuality because they are looking at it from a romantic point of view rather than for what it is. But to answer your question I would embrace that person as you would any other person but make it clear that you do not support their lifestyle. I would also make sure you enforce this lovingly and compassionately because as a Christian it's assumed most of the time that we are prejudiced and we hate the person which is sad because we oppose it because we care.
Feb 9, 2009
I agree with Jenesis on this. It is medically not recommended and medically proven there are consequences. I will say that I don't approve of it but I'm not going to turn them away just because of their lifestyle and choice to be who they are. But I'd like to reiterate from another post I posted yesterday before I had to go to work. John 13:34-35 "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." This verse sums it all up how we should feel about people as a whole.


But we can preach hard against Homosexual acts while all the others run rampant in the Chruches;Ro 1:29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,Ro 1:30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,Ro 1:31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

go figure:

You forgot the part in Romans about those who APPROVE of such acts.

In America, it is not against the law to be gay. In the Church, however, it also is not against the law to be gay. It IS against God's law and, therefore, homosexuals cannot enter the Kingdom.
But what the Church NEEDS to do is to present the Gospel facts and give people time to repent with the understanding that we're sinners, too.
People purposly dwelling in their sin need to thank God that they're not living in a country where homosexuals are put to death.
Aug 27, 2005
Did u know some children are born with either too many chromosomes such as XXY
born with just an X?

i cant remember which is which....but some of them are born and look just like a female...and as they grow, get married and want to have children...they figure out that they are actually male? what do we say to them? do we hate them and call them gay?

the other instance is i THINK that of the "X" ...the parent gets to decide the gender of the baby. they aren't born with a distinguishable gender and could pose as both. so sometimes the parents choose...but when the child grows up...they tell their parents that that was he wrong gender that they picked. what do we do with them? are they gay too?

i'm not exactly sure why these things happen...although i'm sure it's because of our sins.

but only one person has really touched on the disorders...so i thought i'd throw this into the mix. i think some people can be born confused. and need to be guided to understand what's right and wrong. and i think that some of them may continue to fight homosexual thoughts...however, if they don't act on them...they'll be okay. :-]
Nov 14, 2008
In here I'd like you to get acquainted with what the bible really says about gay people. This is from the King James Bible.
I would like to break it down to you, so you understand what you are reading and what you should be believing as Christians.

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death"

So what do we read here?
Let us break it down.
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman..."
ok. So when a man also [lies] with a man, as he [lies] lies with a woman"... ok. There we go. Gay people dont sleep with women. They sleep with men. And gay women sleep with women, and don't do so with men.
So they don't lie (sleep) with women as they do with men. I guess that when you get to a good party and sleep over somehere, and you end the night with a gay men next to you. Don't expect him to lay with you as he does with a friend. You'll be sleeping girls.

"both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death"

This one is simple. Are you for the death penalty for gay people or not? That's it. If not: it's in the bible, so why are you against it?
Yeah first of all the word GAYS i dont believe is appropraite here... say you have a problem with lust should we call you a pervert. No its a sin that you struggle with, I believe the correct term here would be same sex attraction. Maybe we should just start putting random people to death because they sin. Is the sin of same sex attraction greater than one of lust....... NO, just how in the bible it says if your right eye causes you to sin, poke out the other. I dont believe jesus is being literal here. Because i certainly believe that if you look at someone else lustfully that jesus wants you to poke your eye out.........think about it!


Homosexual relations are an abomination plain and simple. That is the testimony of God himself. Sodomy is against divine law and a perversion of divine design. There are natural desires and unnatural desires. A natural desire has a legitimate means of satisfaction.... marriage. An unnatural desire has no legitimate means of satisfaction.
Jan 9, 2009
it doesnt state anywhere in the bible that homosexuality is right.
you have the right outlook, but i have been around homosexuals
all my life. when i was growing up, my moms best friend was gay.
i work with gays, and they are people just like us.
im NOT saying that their lifestyle is correct, because its far from it.
when i was about 14, i struggled with my sexual preference
so i know how it feels to be shunned away and judged by people
who i thought were my friends and who i thought were christians.

but either way, we still need to love them. just like we need to love
drug dealers, prostitutes, cheaters, liars, drunkards, ect.
dont accept their lifestyle, but accept them as a person
and look at what all they have been through to be how they are now
and show them the light and love of jesus, just like he did in his day.

i KNOW that being homosexual isnt of god. i wouldnt vote for
gay rights, because in my heart i know that it isnt right.

i apologize for comparing blacks to homosexuals, i wasnt saying
that being black was horrible, what i was TRYING to get at was
the way we treated them was horrible.
That is about the best way to phrase it. If anyone I work with is a homosexual; I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT.If they tell me they are homosexual, I will tell them I find that lifestyle discusting and an abmonation to the Lord. If they don't like hearing it, they will have thier chance to take it up with him come their day of Judgement. Is that the truth? YES! Is it politically correct? Who Cares?!? Right is right and wrong is wrong and a sin is a sin


Feb 28, 2009
A homosexual, that does not repent of being a homosexual, will not enter into the kingdom of God. A lesbian, who does not repent of being a lesbian will not enter the kingdom of God. Anyone who practices being a homosexual or lesbian, and does not repent, will not enter the kingdom of God.


I would NOT compare the two, however people being put to death for being black resembles christian being persicuted and killed for our belifs...........hmmmm
Feb 9, 2009
Rather it's right or wrong in the end you have to think about what I said earlier. Jesus instructed us to love one another. He didn't say jump to conclusions. Though all of us here may not approve of who they decided to be we still have to love them just as Christ loved the church.
Nov 14, 2008
But they don't CHOOSE to become gay. Some of my very dearest friends are gay and they've been gay since the day they were born. It's not a lifestyle choice, like eating too much ice-cream, you either are or you aren't.

"But I have a CHOICE! whether or not to do it. God says wait till marriage, so I will wait till marriage"

Yes, fortunately for you God allows you to be with the person that you love, isn't that nice? He allows you to have sex with your partner, regardless of whether you have to wait until marriage or not. Whereas just because my best friend loves another woman she is denied being with that person forever because it doesn't fit in with an archaic book that was written by men? Scientific evidence points to the fact that people are not gay by choice. If God makes you a homosexual then that is what you are, there is an abundance of physiological evidence to suggest that you do not choose to become gay you are born that way. You choose whether or not to have sex before marriage with your partner, you are suggesting that gay people not be allowed that right at all.
So when your friends were walking around as toddlers or 7 year olds they were attracted to their own sex??? Dont you think thats a little off. Someone is not born with a same sex attraction. It is a learned behavior, just as maybe if you have a problem with stealing you were not BORN a stealer, its a learned behavior. Im extremely surprised with some of you in here. I think it was knightjester that said he would walk around screaming KILL EM KILL EM if he could! How dare some of you act as though their sin is much greater than yours. I would never in my right mind yell kill em kill em to someone that struggled with a different sin than i did, nor would i judge them for their sin, ever heard the saying... . but by the grace of god there go i... Yeah it could be any one of you in here that could have had this particular problem.... All i have to say is shame on any of you that judges these people or condems them.. because as i said your sin of whatever it may be is no worse than theirs.
Aug 27, 2005
Knightjester isn't like that at all....you've kinda got to learn each chatters personality by watching them in the chatroom b4 u come on here and read their responses. it's easy to mistake their sarcasm for seriousness if u don't know them yet.


So when your friends were walking around as toddlers or 7 year olds they were attracted to their own sex??? Dont you think thats a little off. Someone is not born with a same sex attraction. It is a learned behavior, just as maybe if you have a problem with stealing you were not BORN a stealer, its a learned behavior. Im extremely surprised with some of you in here. I think it was knightjester that said he would walk around screaming KILL EM KILL EM if he could! How dare some of you act as though their sin is much greater than yours. I would never in my right mind yell kill em kill em to someone that struggled with a different sin than i did, nor would i judge them for their sin, ever heard the saying... . but by the grace of god there go i... Yeah it could be any one of you in here that could have had this particular problem.... All i have to say is shame on any of you that judges these people or condemns them.. because as i said your sin of whatever it may be is no worse than theirs.

. Someone is not born with a same sex attraction. It is a learned behavior, just as maybe if you have a problem with stealing you were not BORN a stealer, its a learned behavior.

That may be the case their but just rember we are born sinners we are always in sin, we are fully deprived of sin, our hearts are evil and unjust. Im saying is is stealing is a learning behaviour then what is sinning...people may misread that and think that sinning is a learnt behaviour and we are born without it, ITS NOT THAT WAY, we are born in sin...

just had to say that incase anyone got confused okies,


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2009
In your opinions, which is going to have the most impact on a sinner (any sinner, gay or whatever):

Pointing the finger at their log in their eye and condemning them to hell if they don't change, while quoting condemning scriptures at them,


Loving the sinner, praying for them, and showing them the example of humility that Christ showed when He hung on the cross and said to the Heavenly Father "forgive them for they know not what they do" ?

Well Christs example speaks for itself. We are instructed to "Love the sinner and hate the sin". That means any sinner, and any sin.

Christ died for ALL sins, and for ALL sinners. God will decide who is saved and who isn't. I believe God's grace is far beyond our understanding, and that He desires NOT ONE to be lost.

Can we love ALL sinners? Not just some...?
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