Now we all have come across THIRSTINESS on social media such as FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER ect.
what is to be THIRSTY? glad you asked!
Being thirsty is not at all like being parched and ready for a drink to quench your thirst.
I will explain for those who do not already know. the type of Thirstiness that I am referring to is ATTENTION STARVED- as in like when certain people post half naked pics of themselves online (for attention) and the PEOPLE commenting about how great they are and place them high on a pedestal. Now when you elevate people they tend to get a big head and consider themselves high and mighty and above most other people. BUT thirstiness is also when the people ELEVATING (aka the enablers) do this HOPING to get something out of it. (phone numbers, recognition ect.)
[you seen those guys who comment over and over again on women's pics on FB hoping she will give them some form of attention. < just an example women do it too. (both sexes are equally guilty.)]
when guys or Girls post PROVOCATIVE statuses and pics to get attention THEN call all of the people flocking to them for recognition ''THIRSTY'' is very stupid. why? because if they were comfortable with themselves they would get Natural attention on good merits other than physical looks.
Then there are the people who take advantage Thirsty people which sickens me to be honest. I know you've seen how some people look for GRATIFICATION from others by falling for peer pressure or becoming monkeys that do anything and everything that is asked in order to please someone else and get praise. (selfish reasons.)
Now don't get me wrong I'm not talking about being a good Samaritan and helping each other out as brothers and sisters of God, I'm all cool with assisting anyone in need out of respect and kindness of our hearts. what I am specifically talking about are those people who have LOST all self respect and let OTHERS dictate their ,personality, mannerisms, goals, and decisions.
We all know how manipulative the world can be but only up to a certain point can we PERMIT the NEGATIVE influence that others have on US to shape our lives, I believe this is true in Christianity because although is sad to say even here in ChristianChat.com many people men and women (mostly women) get harassed by strangers pretending to have ''good'' intentions. and I realize that there are MANY people who have absolutely nothing to do all day that to BOTHER others... having said that I want to address the big issue of people who are constantly Private messaged by people who don't know them and I understand the position to which someone wants to have their privacy and only pm people they know and friends, I agree and its all well within their rights.
Now I also want to call out FARCES some people pull because they are CRAVING attention I.E: THIRSTINESS.
yes you heard me... there are a few <(LOL) people in here who DO NOT get pm'ed when they say that they do and call out unsuspecting people and brand them CREEPERS.
have you ever been pm'ed by people who are from the middle east? some that hardly speak English and pm you with things like: ''May the Lord bless you and your entire family'' ect ect.
I have witnessed chatters calling people out in a BAD way because of this. I've seen some not so good reactions over the MIC. do you think this is right??
again before you answer that question I know that there are some cases where people ARE being harassed in bad or sexual manners and yes I do agree that they should be REPORTED not called out. now why do I say REPORT the offense instead of calling it out? simple, because the MODERATORS have explained TIME and TIME again to report ANY offense or VIOLATION of christian chat.
now I have talked to people and have heard many counter arguments such as: ''If I put them on blast they will STOP pming me and other chatters''.
Ok I'll give you that BUT what if calling them out REPEATEDLY does not change anything at all? what then?
I have personally seen more people calling out ''offenses'' then actually going to a moderator FIRST.
Now let me ask you this, if you know who your friends are then surly you could recognize their pms right?
so if you see a stranger who HAS NOT READ THE MESSAGE IN YOUR PM BOX pm you why would you open it?
if someone was inconsiderate enough to IGNORE your warning to not talk to you then why should you give them the time of day?
why call them out over mic?
and if calling them out really worked they WOULD HAVE STOPPED LONG AGO...
I leave ya'll with this:
1 some people are Thirsty and will do anything for attention ANYWHERE (church, forum chat ect.)
2 some like to ''feel'' important by calling out either innocent or imaginary ''creepers'' over mic.
3 some take the ''Law'' into their own hands and begin verbal arguments INSTEAD of reporting the problem.
4 some ENABLE other by doing the exact same thing.
5 some will TELL other CHATTERS of ''supposed or fantastical'' stalkers or creepers INSTEAD ofMODERATORS.
(and when told to go to a mod they say something like: ''its wasn't that bad'' or ''I'll give them another chance''
(^ that sounds real fishy to me.)
I write this to bring more awareness because I feel that we can be better here in christian chat by actually following the rules and REPORTING instead of calling out.
Calling ''creepers'' out changes NOTHING and does NOTHING for NOBODY.
I think the questions I brought up are solid and deserve an answer from my fellow chatters.
\\\Thanks for reading and I would love to hear your thoughts on this peeps./////
PS. notice how I have not named a single person, so I hope that no one takes its personally.. this is what I have seen and MY personal OPINION, you do not have to agree or like what I am saying. and you are certainly not forced to comment either. have a wonderful day. God bless.
pss forgive any grammer erros and mispellings