Israel’s Final Restoration

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Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
Originally Posted by valiant
but we are now Israel. so we are his chosen volk romans 11.12-24, eph 2.12-22; 1 Peter 2.9
Brother believe your way and i my understanding from the scripture. It will not come what we believe. It will be fullfilled gods plan! Its good to k ow that our future is not in hand from human wisdom, but in Gods hand!
I will believe the bible's way, which is God's revelation.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2012
Brother oldhermit,

4. If you say that the earth is Israel in v 12, (I agree that it is)

Then what is the earth in v 16?

Would it say Israel helped Israel, the earth helped the woman?

Brother John
That is a good question. We can see how scripture describes the earth as Israel early in the text. If the earth in verse 16 suggests this to be Israel then we are faced with the Question of how Israel would help Israel in this? I am not sure I have the answer to this. I am wondering if this is not speaking of Israel who had accepts Jesus as the Messiah. This is the true Israel. Again, I am not sure I have an answer to this.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
When she was frst formed. Abraham followed God, as did his son and grandson..

The promise was given to them and their descendents..
so you think Abraham, Isaac and Jacob never sinned? I could point to many examples of their sin
Mar 28, 2016
When she was frst formed. Abraham followed God, as did his son and grandson..

The promise was given to them and their descendents..
The promise was given in respect to the one seed (spiritual )Christ and not seeds in respect to the outward flesh of the whole Jewish race .When it comes to the seeds, many .

God puts no difference between a Jew and a Gentile purifying both hearts by the same work of Christ faith . He is no respecter of persons.

Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. Galatians 3:16 (not Abraham according to the flesh many )

Abraham is used to represent the Father of spirits, the father of many nation. Abraham bossum id=s the very presence of God.

Galatians 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Jan 27, 2013
27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus Galatians 3

we are not christian jews, and we are not christian gentiles. christian s was the word given to believers of jesus , they had to be called something. etc ie christian believers.

given the jews were converting to christian belief. then came the gentile. etc

it dose not say non christian jew, or
[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • (in some Christian teachings) a personal opponent of Christ expected to appear before the end of the world.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"the battle between Christ and the Antichrist"[/COLOR]
    • a person or force seen as opposing Christ or the Christian Church.
      [COLOR=#878787 !important]plural noun: Antichrists[/COLOR]
      [COLOR=#878787 !important]"St Paul really did have to fear for his life at the hands of an Antichrist named Nero"[/COLOR]
    • a person or thing regarded as supremely evil or as a fundamental enemy or opponent.

      [COLOR=#878787 !important]"they regard feminists like me as the Antichrist"

      not a believer of jesus christ. how many religions, do you know, that are against the belief of jesus christ.

      hence final battle or second coming.

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Senior Member
Mar 30, 2016
That is a good question. We can see how scripture describes the earth as Israel early in the text. If the earth in verse 16 suggests this to be Israel then we are faced with the Question of how Israel would help Israel in this? I am not sure I have the answer to this. I am wondering if this is not speaking of Israel who had accepts Jesus as the Messiah. This is the true Israel. Again, I am not sure I have an answer to this.
Brother oldhermit,

Maybe this "earth" in v 16, is the earth of creation mentioned in ch 14:7.

Not Israel, but part of the earthly creation, the land mass earth.

Rome sends out a "flood" (river) of people, but the extent of Rome's influence is limited by distance.


In v 17 wouldn't the remnant of her seed be the Christians?

The earth helps the woman Israel escape from Rome,

But her "seed" remains under Rome's influence.

If the woman is Israel escaping From the destruction of Jerusalem,

and the Christians are her seed,

don't we have the seed, Christians, remaining in Jerusalem? under Rome's influence?

If this is a literal 3 1/2 year time frame, there is a very small window of fulfillment.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2016

Here are some reasons why I accept the early date for the writing of Revelation.
Internal Evidences that Support the Early Dating of Revelation, Prior to 70 AD.

A. The first point to consider in favor of the early date is the fact that John was told that he "must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings," Revelation 10:11. Now, if Revelation was written in AD 95-96, John would have been over 90 years old and it would have been very unlikely he would have been able to travel to the various "nations and…many kings" and preach. However, with Revelation written earlier, John would have been in his mid 60's and at that age, his traveling would have been more feasible.

B. Another point is that John wrote Revelation to a specific group of churches in Asia Minor, 1:4. This is a critical point that has been overlooked by many scholars and commentators which shows that Revelation could not have been written before 61 AD.

1. There was only a very small opportunity of time in which these seven churches in Asia existed at the same time. This was in the late 50’s to early AD 60's. The apostle Paul established nine churches in that area, but only seven were addressed in Revelation. This is a good indicator that places the writing of Revelation sometime after two of these churches had disappeared. Around 60 or 61 AD the cities of Colossae, Hierapolis, and Laodicea, were destroyed by an earthquake. Laodicea was soon afterwards rebuilt, but Colossae and Hierapolis were not. This left only seven churches in Asia during the five years just prior to the beginning of the Roman/Jewish war.

2. It is important to note Jesus' particular message to the specific Church of Philadelphia in 3:7-13. In verses 10 and 11, Jesus told John to warn the Church there that an "hour of temptation" was "about to come upon all the world." That "hour of temptation" was to be the time of persecution. Christ then told them that He was coming quickly and he admonished them to "hold fast". This is important because this warning was given to a specific congregation of Christians in a specified area of Asia Minor in a specific time in history. The first Roman persecution of Christians took place under Nero in 64AD but, at the time of the revelation, it had not yet reached Philadelphia. Therefore, Revelation had to have been written before they experienced this time of persecution.

C. One of the most compelling proofs of the early date is the fact that the Jewish temple was still standing at the time John wrote Revelation, 11:1-2. In verse one, John is given a measuring rod and told to go and measure the temple and count the worshipers there. You can't measure something that is not there. "And there was given me a reed, like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months."

1. In verse two, John is told not to measure the outer court because it has been given to the Gentiles and they will trample on it for 42 months which is also 1260 days or 3 ½ years. Isn't it amazing that history tells us that this is exactly how long the Romans trampled the holy city of Jerusalem from the spring of 67 AD to its destruction in the early fall of 70 AD? This is a very compelling argument.

2. How do we know that this is speaking of Herod's temple and not the Church? This passage calls to mind Jesus words in Luke 21:20-24. Notice that Jesus told the disciples that they would see this event. They had asked Him about their temple in verse 5 and Jesus told them it would be destroyed before their generation passed away, 32. In verse 24 Jesus says, "Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles." This is the same thing John was told in Revelation 11:2. So, John is reminding the Church that the time of which Jesus had spoken in Luke 21 would soon be upon them.

D. Identifying the "woman" of chapters 17 and 18. John saw a "woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus," 17:6. The woman had this name written on her forehead: "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH," 17:5. The angel said that "the woman" was "that great city," 17:18 in whom "was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth," 18:24. Then John wrote, "Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her… Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all," 18:20, 21. So who was this "woman," this "great city?"

1. John gave us a clue in Revelation 11:8, where he wrote, "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified." This shows us that John was referring to the Jerusalem of his day. To prove this assertion, John wrote that Sodom also used as a figurative name applied to this city. That means it does not tell us the actual name of the city but its spiritual condition. Once more, in letting the Bible interpret itself, we find this is a reference to Jerusalem. In Isaiah, chapter one, after declaring that he had a "vision…concerning Judah and Jerusalem" Isaiah wrote, "Hear the words of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom." In Jeremiah 23:14, because of the adulterous prophets, God said that Jerusalem and her inhabitants were "all of them unto me as Sodom."

2. In Luke 13:33-34, Jesus said, “Nevertheless I must journey on today and tomorrow and the next day; for it cannot be that a prophet would perish outside of Jerusalem. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not have it!" Then, in Matthew 23:29-37, Jesus blasted the Jews of his day for killing the prophets and the apostles. He declared that they are the children of their fathers who also killed the prophets. Then in verse 32, Jesus said that they would complete the sin that their fathers started. But the most crucial evidence is found in verse 35, where Jesus said, "upon you i.e. the Jews of His day, may fall the guilt of all the righteous blood shed on the earth." Then He said, "I tell you the truth, all of these things all these things will come upon this generation.. Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets and stone to death those who are sent to you," 36-37. In both passages, Jesus told the Jews of His day that they were guilty of "all the righteous blood shed upon the earth" (see also Acts 7:51-52). Therefore, since both of these passages deal with the same crime and the same judgment, the "great city" of Revelation is Jerusalem of Christ's generation. So, Revelation was written during a time Jewish persecution upon Christians which had to be prior to 70 AD.

E. The seventh king of 17:10 - "...they are seven kings; five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while." So far we have seen that Revelation deals with the revealing of Jesus to first century Israel. As noted above, "the woman" John saw was first century Jerusalem. The "kings," therefore, were the rulers of the Roman Empire of John's day. The "kings" were not ruling at the same time, for the text stated "five have fallen," meaning that five of those kings had come and gone. Then, "one is," meaning the king who was ruling at the time Revelation was written. Here in this verse, we have one of the clearest proofs for dating this book. If we simply examine the list of Roman Emperors, we will be able to determine who the sixth king was, and the time Revelation was written.

There are seven kings.
1. Five have fallen – Augustus (27 BC - 14 AD), Tiberius (14-37), Caligula (37-41), and Claudius (41-54),
Nero (54-68)
2. One now is - Galba (who reigned only seven months from the fall of 68 to January of 69)
3. The other has not yet come and when he comes, he will remain only a little while. This was Otho who reigned only three months in 69 AD. It is also noteworthy to remember that the reign of Galba began a time of brief reigns with Galba reighning only 7 months, Otho reigning only 3 months from January 15 to April 16, 69 AD, and Vitellius who reigned only 8 months from April 16 to December 22, 69 AD. After this Vespasian assumes the throne and reigns for 10 years from December of 69 to 79 AD. It was under his reign that Rome began to stabilize politically. Why are only seven kings mentioned? Because it is during the reign of Galba that Jerusalem is destroyed.
We find in Nero and Galba the terrible persecutors of the Christians at whose hand Peter and Paul were martyred. God used Nero to set in motion the destruction of Jerusalem commanding Vespasian to destroy the city. This was the sixth king, suggesting that Revelation was written before the fall of Jerusalem. Historically, Nero is the one that persecuted Christians beyond all comparison. John's banishment to Patmos was itself a result of the great persecution of Nero. The apostle Paul was tortured and then beheaded by Nero at Rome in 67A.D. The apostle Peter was another victim of Nero.

F. The time element

Consider the expectations of the author. Jesus tells John to expect the fulfillment of the prophecy soon, 1:1-3; 2:16; 3:11; 22:6, 7, 10, and 12 and 20.
1. In Revelation 1:1-3, right off the bat, John informed his readers, the seven churches of Asia, that the contents of this volume "must shortly come to pass." John did not write that some of the events, or even most of the events must shortly take place. He wrote that ALL of the events contained in Revelation "must shortly come to pass." The purpose of the revelation was to explain the events that were about to unfold.
a. Why must those things "shortly come to pass?" Because "the time (was) at hand."
b. At hand for whom? The seven churches of Asia, specifically, and to the church of the first century in general.
c. The time for what was at hand, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ."
d. How was Jesus about to be revealed, in the events, in the judgment and destruction of Jerusalem.Remember, this is the main episode of the book.

2. In Revelation 22:6, John wrote that the Lord sent an angel to John "to show unto his servants the things which must shortly be done." Here, at the end of the book of Revelation, John recorded the exact same message that he did in chapter one. This emphasizes that all of the events contained in Revelation were about to take place in that century, not stretched throughout time, and certainly not for some distant future generation.

3. In Revelation 22:10, the angel of the Lord said to John, "Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand." Once more, we see that the events of Revelation were about to take place in the first century. However, another element was added to this warning. The angel told John not to seal the Scroll. Why is this important? To answer that, let's look at Daniel 12.

a. After Daniel had received visions concerning his people (the nation of Israel), he was told, "thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book," 12:1. Daniel is then told how they would be rescued - by resurrection. Some would be rewarded with "everlasting life" and others with "everlasting contempt," 2. But then, Daniel is told something very peculiar. In verse 4, Daniel was told, "shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end." Now, we must ask "Whose time of the end?" Verse one told us that Daniel's visions concerned the nation of Israel, not mankind in general.

b. Next, Daniel saw two angels talking about the fulfillment of all that he had seen, 6. One asked the other, "How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?" The answer was, "when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished," 7. But Daniel could not understand what they meant, so he asked again, "When?" The angel answered "Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end." Now that we have looked at this passage, how does it relate to Revelation 21?
c. How John relates to this Revelation is that this Revelation is the opening of Daniel's sealed book. Remember, Daniel's visions were concerning the "time of the end." Whose end? Israel’s. This revelation is about God's judgment on his people. These are the same visions. The reason this has a direct bearing on Revelation 21, is that Daniel was told to seal his book concerning the end "for it pertains to many days in the future," Dan.8:26. But John, having received the same vision, was told not to seal his book "because the time is at hand," Revelation 22:10. The end of Old Covenant Israel was at hand. All things written had to be fulfilled by the time Jerusalem fell in AD 70 (see Luke 21:20-22). Therefore, since Revelation is the opening of Daniel, then it was fulfilled by the Autumn of AD 70 when Jerusalem fell.
Brother oldhermit,

This is like having steak and potatoes for dinner. Yum Yum!

It is going to take awhile to to digest it all.

I'm so short on time.

but we'll get there.

Thank you again so much for posting this!

It sure helps me to understand things better.

Brother John


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2012
Maybe this "earth" in v 16, is the earth of creation mentioned in ch 14:7.

Not Israel, but part of the earthly creation, the land mass earth.

Rome sends out a "flood" (river) of people, but the extent of Rome's influence is limited by distance.
It would seem that the "earth" mentioned in 14:7 is the literal earth from the way the text represents it. Notice the proclamation of the angels in verses 6-8.

And I saw another angel flying in mid-heaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people; and he said with a loud voice, “Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters.” “And another angel, a second one, followed, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality.”

The first angel is represented here is as the messenger of the gospel. This angel/messenger is fulfilling the task of Matthew 24:14 and 31. The target of this gospel is “those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.”

24:14“This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

24:31“And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.”

This is not a picture of rapture but one of conversion of those of the nations. The eternal gospel of this angel is the same as the gospel foretold by Christ in Matthew 24:14. The result of the preaching of that gospel was the purchasing of men from “every nation and tribe and tongue and people.” These were those of Revelation 5:6-9 who were purchased with the blood of the Lamb. These were those against whom the sea beast (Rome) waged war in 13:7. These are those who had embraced the gospel and worshiped the Lamb. In verses 1-5 we see the assembly of the faithful remnant of Israel and in verses 6- 8 we have the redeemed from the other nations. These make up the whole assembly of the people of God. Jesus promised in Matthew 24:14 that when the Gospel had accomplished its desired effect “then the end shall come.” The end of course is qualified by the context of Matthew 24 – the destruction of the temple and this is precisely what the second angel proclaims.

The second messenger is the messenger of doom as he heralds the fall of Jerusalem. “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality.” This is the “great city” mentioned in 11:8 where the Lord was crucified. We can look at this in much greater detail in chapter eighteen. Jerusalem has been referred to as Sodom, Egypt, and now Babylon. This is the Woman who we will see later on who sits on the scarlet beast in chapter seventeen. This is the city whom God repeatedly charged with adultery against him. "As for your adulteries and your lustful neighings, the lewdness of your prostitution on the hills in the field, I have seen your abominations. Woe to you, O Jerusalem! How long will you remain unclean?" Jeremiah 13:17. Read the book of Hosea to get a sense of the depths of Israel's immorality against God. In Ezekiel 16:14-59, God paints a vivid picture of Israel's history of unfaithfulness and harlotry with the nations. Jerusalem is the great city who commits adultery with all the nations around her and now, she has fallen.

In v 17 wouldn't the remnant of her seed be the Christians?

The earth helps the woman Israel escape from Rome,

But her "seed" remains under Rome's influence.

If the woman is Israel escaping From the destruction of Jerusalem,

and the Christians are her seed,

don't we have the seed, Christians, remaining in Jerusalem? under Rome's influence?

If this is a literal 3 1/2 year time frame, there is a very small window of fulfillment.
I think Christians are indeed the direct remnant of her seed but not just Christians in general but Jewish Christians in particular. These are the remnants of the seed of the woman.

In Matthew 24:15-28 Jesus tells his disciples,
Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. Whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get the things out that are in his house. Whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath. For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. Then if anyone says to you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ,’ or ‘There He is,’ do not believe him. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you in advance. So if they say to you, ‘Behold, He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out, or, ‘Behold, He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe them. For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.”

Josephus records the fact that when Jerusalem fell, not one Christian perished in the city. This was due to the fact that they had already been warned to flee Judea when they saw the armies of Roam marching against Jerusalem. Jesus said that they were to flee to the mountains. When Rome moved against Jerusalem all the Christians in fled to the mountains of Pela in order to avoid being trapped in the city. Jesus conveys the urgency of the situation by saying
1. "Whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get the things out that are in his house."
2. "Whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak."
3. "But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days!" The obvious reason was the simple fact that of the difficulty of travel and escape for those women who were pregnant or burdened with small children.
4. "But pray that your flight will not be in the winter," The reason would be because of the harshness of travel and survival in winter conditions.
5. "or on a Sabbath." The fear in this lay in the fact that on the Sabbath, the gates of the city would be close thus hindering their escape. Of course the gates of the city were not the only means of entering or leaving the city but with the gates of the city being closed this would have made escape much more difficult.
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Senior Member
Jul 28, 2012
John, would you be interested in studying the entire book of Revelation with me?
Apr 25, 2015
Israel will be restored only at Jesus second coming.
They will then accept Him as Messiah and He will reign from David's throne for 1000 years.
Says who? But that contradicts with what is written in Romans 11:

Romans Chapter 11
The Mystery of Israel's Salvation

25 Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers:[d]a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written,
“The Deliverer will come from Zion,
he will banish ungodliness from Jacob”;
27 “and this will be my covenant with them
when I take away their sins.”

28 As regards the gospel, they are enemies for your sake. But as regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. 29 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. 30 For just as you were at one time disobedient to God but now have received mercy because of their disobedience, 31 so they too have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you they also may now[e] receive mercy.32 For God has consigned all to disobedience, that he may have mercy on all.
33 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!
34 “For who has known the mind of the Lord,
or who has been his counselor?”
35 “Or who has given a gift to him
that he might be repaid?”

36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.

It no where indicates above that AT the 2nd coming of Christ, Israel will be restored/saved. But instead, 'until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in'
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Senior Member
Mar 30, 2016
John, would you be interested in studying the entire book of Revelation with me?
Brother oldhermit,

I love reading and studying your material.

I'm still studying it, and it will take some time to think about it.

We are in agreement, in general, on some passages.

Of course I agree with all your historical accounts.

I will be up front with you, I have my own opinions.

I look at things in a different way, I'm telling you in case you haven't noticed.

I've been wrong before, and there is proof on this website,

I freely admit that my brothers and sisters have corrected me in the scriptures for my benefit.

If I am wrong I WANT to be corrected.

But that doesn't mean I'm just going to give in without scriptural proof either.

People have discussed these things for centuries, and still are.

Maybe it is just a dream that we can resolve them.

Perhaps we should expect to never resolve them, only talk about them.

I hope that you can prove me wrong,

But if you can't,

It means that Jesus will appear and this planet will come to an end, very soon.

I believe you are thinking, "another crazy",

But what if I can persuade you?

Maybe not even persuade, just so you say that there is a "reasonable chance" or a "possibility" that I could be right.
I don't want to destroy what you believe about the prophecies,

but I will ask the hard questions to see if your interpretation will stand.

I expect the same.

We should continue focusing on Rev 12, and then Rev 13, and see how it goes, if you want or whatever.

It's just that in those chapters there are things that would resolve a lot of issues for me.

Since we agree on most parts of ch 12, we should continue there.
I don't have a lot of time now,

I'd like to discuss only a few verses or a chapter at a time.

If you are still willing to do it. If not that's ok.

Brother John


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2012
Brother oldhermit,

I love reading and studying your material.

I'm still studying it, and it will take some time to think about it.

We are in agreement, in general, on some passages.

Of course I agree with all your historical accounts.

I will be up front with you, I have my own opinions.

I look at things in a different way, I'm telling you in case you haven't noticed.

I've been wrong before, and there is proof on this website,

I freely admit that my brothers and sisters have corrected me in the scriptures for my benefit.

If I am wrong I WANT to be corrected.

But that doesn't mean I'm just going to give in without scriptural proof either.

People have discussed these things for centuries, and still are.

Maybe it is just a dream that we can resolve them.

Perhaps we should expect to never resolve them, only talk about them.

I hope that you can prove me wrong,

But if you can't,

It means that Jesus will appear and this planet will come to an end, very soon.

I believe you are thinking, "another crazy",

But what if I can persuade you?

Maybe not even persuade, just so you say that there is a "reasonable chance" or a "possibility" that I could be right.
I don't want to destroy what you believe about the prophecies,

but I will ask the hard questions to see if your interpretation will stand.

I expect the same.

We should continue focusing on Rev 12, and then Rev 13, and see how it goes, if you want or whatever.

It's just that in those chapters there are things that would resolve a lot of issues for me.

Since we agree on most parts of ch 12, we should continue there.
I don't have a lot of time now,

I'd like to discuss only a few verses or a chapter at a time.

If you are still willing to do it. If not that's ok.

Brother John
Fair enough. I am enjoying the study. In case you are wondering, I too wonder if the Lord's return is not so far off.
Mar 28, 2016
I think in the end of the matter it is how we view "faith works".I say that seeing a person cannot separate faith from works(impossible) .This is whether we have it with the word it representing faith the unseen in respect to men we do see. Christ's nemesis, or Christ not seen, the anointing Holy Spirit of God himself, as it is written ? We can see the results when men have their faith in respect to that seen

Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?Mat 23:32

Again this is not the measure of Christ, the word of God, the one source of faith by which we can know him who has no form. A clear distinction between the things of God, and those of men must be made if we are to hear God(not man ) aright.

We are made aware of the wile of the devil . That subtlety caused the fall.This is when the father of lies spoke through a serpent as that seen, and Adam and Eve used it to measure their faith....rejecting the faith that did come from hearing God who had no form. It reflected the same as Mathew 23 (Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers) as attributed to the outward flesh of the fathers, as well as Kings, Princes. Again Christ nemesis from the beginning, the fall, throughout history. The same wile repeats itself

The scriptures I believe inform us if we do have the faith of Christ in respect to any man, as that seen we have committed blasphemy of His Holy anointing Spirit, Christ (James 2)
Faith works in two ways .God's faith towards us as it works in us to both will and do His good pleasure and our amen towards Him showing Him we have heard what he calls the hearing of faith as that which moved the creature to do His will..

Keeping that in mind in respect to the subject matter I would ask .

When did the separation of humanity into Jews and Gentiles occur? What was the purpose for naming two former Gentile nations, the Amorites in respect to Abram, and the Hittites in respect to Sarai as nations that born again Abraham who would later drive out.

Before his conversion he was considered of the confederacy(non-union with God) , a gentile, no faith.

Genesis 14:13 And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these were confederate with Abram.

Surely it was not so that men could put their faith in that which they could see, and destroy the faith principle.

Eze 16:3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite.

Exodus 33:2 And I will send an angel before thee; and I will drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite:

Abel , believed God and it was imputed to him as a righteousness not of himself .Would he be the first recorded case of a Gentile?

What was the purpose of changing the name of the unbeliever Abram which means exalted father( singular) in respect to one nation ,and changing it to Abraham, the father of many nations giving rise to the word denominations ?


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2016
Fair enough. I am enjoying the study. In case you are wondering, I too wonder if the Lord's return is not so far off.

This passage follows chs 4-11,

In ch 9:2, at the 5th trumpet the abyss is opened.

In ch 11:7 the beast that comes out of the abyss kills the 2 witnesses.

Chs 12 & 13, are a more "detailed" description of the role of Satan (5th trump) and the beast (11:7).

It would answer a question that would reasonably be asked after reading the story of the 2 witnesses,

How is Satan (5th trump) related to the beast (11:7) who kills the 2 witnesses?

What is their relationship to Israel and each other?

Rev 12:1, We agree that the woman is Israel,

"Clothed with the sun", God's glory surrounding Israel, "covering" her, God's spiritual light to the world, His "Word", The Law of Moses.

"The moon under her feet", The moon reflects the light of the sun, (the light of the Law), the prophets "support" her "standing" with God.
The sun and the moon often appear together in the sky, But at night when the law of God (sun) is hidden, the prophets (moon) give light

in O.T. times the Prophets,
Not just during the time of the Law of Moses, But Adam and others were prophets in the fact they passed on the laws and prophecies of God concerning the Messiah and the resurrection.

"Upon her head a crown of 12 stars", When God looks down her from His throne He sees the children of Jacob, the "crown" of the twelve tribes, government,

V 2 This shows Israel pre-Messiah, the natural branches (important)

V 3 The dragon,

The dragon is seen after the sign of the woman, this shows that the woman existed before the Beast of Rome. She didn't come before the Dragon, but before the dragon was "embodied" in the beast. Remember that if we connect this to the Dan 7 passage this beast of Rome is only one in a series of beasts. The spirit of Satan (the dragon)was in all of the "beasts".

Satan here is called the dragon.
This is a name that is not often used for him. It implies that this is the most ancient of God's enemies. It would be understood that it refers to the time before he was "cursed" in the Garden of Eden, where the serpent was to go on his belly Gen 3:14. It may be assumed that before that time he had legs (dragon), but now he has been put in a position further away from God.

The idea that this "spirit" (dragon) is the most ancient of enemies can also be seen in the creation story in the darkness and light, order and chaos, and their mixing and dividing.

He has "7 heads and 10 horns", The spirit of Satan (no love), was at this time embodied in Rome, in parallel with the beast of ch 17.

"7 diadems", "crowns" of victory, 7 complete, each head was victorious over Israel

V 4 "his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven", drags, swept.
The woman has 12 stars on her crown, she is seen in heaven, so it could mean 1/3 of Israel,
But the dragon is thrown down in v 9 so it could mean the angels who were cast out of heaven with Satan on the Day of Pentecost.

But see how the stars are cast down before the dragon waits for the woman to give birth. So It could show the conquest and domination of the Roman Empire, (dragon with 7 heads etc.), and the killing of Israel, pre-Messiah.

"Cast them to the earth", The stars lose their position in their relationship with God,

They are dragged, thrown, swept, by the tail and cast to the "earth", Something that the "stars" resisted, didn't want to happen. It took a war and a binding to cast Satan down on the Day of Pentecost, 12:7-9, and His angels are cast out with him. He is seen as a star "falling" (as if he were pushed out) in Rev 9:1.

The stars in the crown of the woman in heaven, are thrown from heaven to the earth, which could mean that they die spiritually, that they are "cut off" from Israel and their heavenly position.

There is similar symbolism in Rev 8:12, where a third part of the "stars" are smitten. Here the stars are linked to the sun (Law of Moses), and the moon (the prophets),
In this case the stars would be "guiding lights" that shine to guide people when the sun and moon are darkened, that would be great teachers, leaders, and learned people, people who give direction to God in times of darkness, Israel.

To maintain the symbolic interpretation I'll have have to go with , the stars are Israel, from the crown of the woman.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2012

This passage follows chs 4-11,

In ch 9:2, at the 5th trumpet the abyss is opened.

In ch 11:7 the beast that comes out of the abyss kills the 2 witnesses.

Chs 12 & 13, are a more "detailed" description of the role of Satan (5th trump) and the beast (11:7).

It would answer a question that would reasonably be asked after reading the story of the 2 witnesses,

How is Satan (5th trump) related to the beast (11:7) who kills the 2 witnesses?

What is their relationship to Israel and each other?
Satan is the power behind all evil, no matter which nation is represented just as he was the power behind the serpent in the Garden.

Rev 12:1, We agree that the woman is Israel,

"Clothed with the sun", God's glory surrounding Israel, "covering" her, God's spiritual light to the world, His "Word", The Law of Moses.

"The moon under her feet", The moon reflects the light of the sun, (the light of the Law), the prophets "support" her "standing" with God.
The sun and the moon often appear together in the sky, But at night when the law of God (sun) is hidden, the prophets (moon) give light

in O.T. times the Prophets,
Not just during the time of the Law of Moses, But Adam and others were prophets in the fact they passed on the laws and prophecies of God concerning the Messiah and the resurrection.
Very good. Yes, I would have to say this reflects not just the Law of Moses but the entire scope of the time of the prophets as well from Able to John.

"Upon her head a crown of 12 stars", When God looks down her from His throne He sees the children of Jacob, the "crown" of the twelve tribes, government,

V 2 This shows Israel pre-Messiah, the natural branches (important)

V 3 The dragon,

The dragon is seen after the sign of the woman, this shows that the woman existed before the Beast of Rome. She didn't come before the Dragon, but before the dragon was "embodied" in the beast. Remember that if we connect this to the Dan 7 passage this beast of Rome is only one in a series of beasts. The spirit of Satan (the dragon)was in all of the "beasts".

Satan here is called the dragon.
This is a name that is not often used for him. It implies that this is the most ancient of God's enemies. It would be understood that it refers to the time before he was "cursed" in the Garden of Eden, where the serpent was to go on his belly Gen 3:14. It may be assumed that before that time he had legs (dragon), but now he has been put in a position further away from God.

The idea that this "spirit" (dragon) is the most ancient of enemies can also be seen in the creation story in the darkness and light, order and chaos, and their mixing and dividing.

He has "7 heads and 10 horns", The spirit of Satan (no love), was at this time embodied in Rome, in parallel with the beast of ch 17.

"7 diadems", "crowns" of victory, 7 complete, each head was victorious over Israel

V 4 "his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven", drags, swept.
The woman has 12 stars on her crown, she is seen in heaven, so it could mean 1/3 of Israel,
But the dragon is thrown down in v 9 so it could mean the angels who were cast out of heaven with Satan on the Day of Pentecost.
Not a third of Israel, but a third of this city - Jerusalem. This is what the scene is about.

But see how the stars are cast down before the dragon waits for the woman to give birth. So It could show the conquest and domination of the Roman Empire, (dragon with 7 heads etc.), and the killing of Israel, pre-Messiah.

"Cast them to the earth", The stars lose their position in their relationship with God,

They are dragged, thrown, swept, by the tail and cast to the "earth", Something that the "stars" resisted, didn't want to happen. It took a war and a binding to cast Satan down on the Day of Pentecost, 12:7-9, and His angels are cast out with him. He is seen as a star "falling" (as if he were pushed out) in Rev 9:1.

The stars in the crown of the woman in heaven, are thrown from heaven to the earth, which could mean that they die spiritually, that they are "cut off" from Israel and their heavenly position.

There is similar symbolism in Rev 8:12, where a third part of the "stars" are smitten. Here the stars are linked to the sun (Law of Moses), and the moon (the prophets),
In this case the stars would be "guiding lights" that shine to guide people when the sun and moon are darkened, that would be great teachers, leaders, and learned people, people who give direction to God in times of darkness, Israel.
Very good. I particularly like your comment about Israel being "cut off" from the Lord. That is precisely what it means. The term "cut off" is always a judgment figure that reflects the death penalty.

To maintain the symbolic interpretation I'll have have to go with , the stars are Israel, from the crown of the woman.
Yes, but I think more precisely, the twelve stars are representative of the twelve individual tribes which comprise the whole. 12 stars - 12 tribes.

Very good job. Is there another chapter you would like to examine?
Mar 28, 2016
I see that a little differently.

The woman represents the one bride of Christ. She is identified by more than one descriptor. She can be called Israel pertaining to a born again Jew.(not of the flesh) seeing if any man has not the Spirit of Christ they simply are not members as His eternal bride.

She is also named by God the promised new name, Christians, which simply means residents of the heavenly city of Christ, the new Jerusalem. A city as the residents of coming down on the last day prepared as His one bride. The stars simply represent the believers., His bride . This is Old testament as well as the new. She is shown clothed in the righteousness of Christ in God represented by the Sun, as a source of light. The Sun and moon together are used as time keepers, under her feet indicate it is the end of time.

God puts no difference (not one) between and outward Jew of the flesh, and a Gentile, purifying both hearts that are deceitful and desperately wicked, as in who could know them , as the receiving of His Holy Spirit by a work of His faith, or labor of His love. God alone knows the hearts of all men (1 Kings 8:39) and therefore is able to transform them as he forms Christ in us.

And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us;And put no difference between “us and them”, purifying their hearts by faith. Act 15:8


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2012
I see that a little differently.

The woman represents the one bride of Christ. She is identified by more than one descriptor. She can be called Israel pertaining to a born again Jew.(not of the flesh) seeing if any man has not the Spirit of Christ they simply are not members as His eternal bride.

She is also named by God the promised new name, Christians, which simply means residents of the heavenly city of Christ, the new Jerusalem. A city as the residents of coming down on the last day prepared as His one bride. The stars simply represent the believers., His bride . This is Old testament as well as the new. She is shown clothed in the righteousness of Christ in God represented by the Sun, as a source of light. The Sun and moon together are used as time keepers, under her feet indicate it is the end of time.

God puts no difference (not one) between and outward Jew of the flesh, and a Gentile, purifying both hearts that are deceitful and desperately wicked, as in who could know them , as the receiving of His Holy Spirit by a work of His faith, or labor of His love. God alone knows the hearts of all men (1 Kings 8:39) and therefore is able to transform them as he forms Christ in us.

And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us;And put no difference between “us and them”, purifying their hearts by faith. Act 15:8
We are not permitted to assign meaning to biblical symbolism. God alone assigns meaning to revealed symbols. Since the text itself provides the definition of the woman as Israel, we do not have a right to reassign the meaning to something else.
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the scripture says I am both. :)

Then why are you not in your land living in peace if Your now Isreal and have assumed Ownership of ALL her promises?