Recent content by aalligator45

  1. aalligator45

    Your name is funny I just got the joke

    Your name is funny I just got the joke
  2. aalligator45

    Make a Meme Section

    And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there and ill tell you how I became the child of the most high
  3. aalligator45

    Cool Christian Songs

    Yes I burn cd's and now have a big collection of them. I listen to the radio often and these stations say they have variety but then play the weeknd every 15 minutes. Are there any other good songs by Lisa Bevill and Tony Vincent? I know No Condemnation and Simple Things are good songs.
  4. aalligator45

    Should Christians celebrate Halloween?

    Sneaking out of the house is fun but you're not supposed to do that. Halloween is the same thing.
  5. aalligator45

    Last person to post wins!!!

    I'd wake up early for a donut
  6. aalligator45

    Where my Jesus freaks at???

    No lol. I'm just interested in making music video covers of popular 90s Christian songs with my church friends. Maybe if I post them on yt someone will come to Christ.
  7. aalligator45

    Make a Meme Section

  8. aalligator45

    Steam Engine With A Water Heater & Generator

    Well there goes my dreams of owning a steam powered car. I've now moved on to Stanley Meyer's water car!
  9. aalligator45

    Where my Jesus freaks at???

    I promised god that if I got the stuff to record a vhs tape I would use it to spread the gospel, just got a vhs player so all I gotta go now is get a hdmi/av converter and my grandmas tapes.
  10. aalligator45

    Steam Engine With A Water Heater & Generator

    Oh. Well that must be why no one has done that.
  11. aalligator45

    Make a Meme Section

  12. aalligator45

    Make a Meme Section

    We need a meme section! Here's a meme now!
  13. aalligator45

    Where my Jesus freaks at???

    What's good! Welcome to CC! I'm new here too.