Reactions given by Aidan1

  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to Moses_Young's post in the thread COVID 19 fake news.
    Lol. True. I mean, what is the point for we recipients. Even from a medical perspective, it's highly suspect (for us). From a spiritual...
  • Aidan1
    Well alrighty then. Go get into your lotus position and hum a few Buddhist mantras as the Covid19 Mrna that you readily and gleefully...
  • Aidan1
    Today there is no difference between the Nazism of the Leftists in America and their outright Communism/Fascism. What is COVID Tyranny...
  • Aidan1
    Brother, do not take any more vaxx jabs - the vaxx is not of God but from the evil one. Here is important info for you =...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to shittim's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    The scam continues.... the "vaccine" is not a vaccine, it is an experimental gene altering compound intended to depopulate.
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    The conspiracy theorists are those pushing the gene therapy:
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to your post in the thread Anti vaxxers a problem as big as COVID.
    so you start a thread to dump on those who refuse the gene therapy? maybe people who have to have a scape goat are the actual problem...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to shittim's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Corona viruses mutate, that is why it is foolishness to attempt to create a vaccine for them, before you have done it right the virus...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to shittim's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    FYI---it was made the way they made it for a nefarious purpose, it isn't a true vaccine, it doesn't protect, hasn't been tested as a...
  • Aidan1
    it is wrong to force the vaccine.
  • Aidan1
    1. Firstly mandatory vaccination would be illegal since it would violate the constitution. There are many entities which will be filing...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Simple math tells that the vaccine has and will kill 200,000 from just this ONE side effect: New Study Shows 1 in 1000 Develop Heart...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    No. We’re NOT going to let it go. The injection is lethal. People need to know. I can’t help it if people are going to stick their...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to shittim's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Thank you kindly for your post, I appreciate and will continue to share your well researched information on the adversaries great end...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Who is this "they"? The THEY, is the government, Fauci, the MSM, the Pharm companies and those that fund them, the world, and the world...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Yes. I definitely would rather have the virus over the gene therapy. I also believe it is very likely I already had the virus, although...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to Nehemiah6's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    There's a big difference between this and the deliberate depopulation agenda. If we did not know that Satan is behind this scheme...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to CS1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I am not here to change your mind. I prefer to leave those who are foolish alone :)
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to LuvofChrist's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Greetings everyone, the Lord bless each of you. When I was seeking the Lord concerning this "fake" virus, I just felt something was not...
  • Aidan1
    Aidan1 reacted Disagree to LuvofChrist's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Thank you.....AMEN! Those who have not placed their trust in the Lord, shall suffer the consequences of their decisions. Because this...